Lapid’s Son Sits In On Closed Cabinet Meeting

lapidAccording to a Channel 2 News report, Finance Minister Yair Lapid on Tuesday, 26 Sivan 5773 brought his son, 17-year-old Lior along to sit in on a closed session of the Housing Cabinet in the Prime Minister’s Office. Also present were Ministers Uri Ariel, Silvan Shalom, Yisrael Katz, Gideon Saar, and Amir Peretz as well as the head of the Israel Lands Administration and other senior government officials.

While the others were surprised to see the young Lapid in attendance, it appears none objected to it and no one insisted that he leave the closed session meeting of ministers. That said, even the veterans in the group admit they do not recall a situation in the past in which a minister brought a child along to a meeting.

To the surprise of many, the young Lapid entered without any security agents questioning who he is and if he is authorized to enter the meeting room. When contacted for a comment, officials in Lapid’s office feel nothing wrong occurred, adding “A child has a right to see his father at a day of work”.

Lapid himself said “I hope my son will not complain to the Child Welfare Council that I bored him.”

Yated Neeman adds that it is most interesting for most likely, if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu brought his son, either Yair of Avner to a cabinet meeting, the media would be having a field day but since it is Lapid, it seems to pass without criticism.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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