High Court Upholds Child Allowance Penalty in Vaccination Issue

vaacnIsrael’s High Court of Justice on Tuesday, 26 Sivan 5773 ruled against a number of organizations seeking to reverse the current law. The law permits punishing families deciding not to have their children vaccinated by reducing their child allowance payments. The policy seeks to persuade them to comply with Health Ministry guidelines.

Justice Edna Arbel ruled that despite the fact the ruling violates one’s rights to equality; the violation is in line with conditions set by the court in the past. Justice Daphne Barak-Erez added that taking a proactive approach towards having children vaccinated does not represent a trampling of one’s rights but rather the state’s commitment to the welfare of children.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. This sounds like a precedent that would be used to allow cutting off child allowances to families whose children don’t attend schools that teach the government curriculum.

  2. How disgusting. Harm your children to get funds from the government so that u can use it to fix your childs issues? Sounds odd to me. I don’t think they understand anything about vaccines, Vaccines don’t make you healthy, just more sick.

  3. chance :

    Vaccines work and save lives in our community (excluding perhaps only the ones for sexually transmitted diseases, and then only since frum Jews are at minimal risk for such diseases). Vaccines are one of the major reasons why most people saying kaddish today are middle aged (in old siddurim, you often saw it written “the na’ar says kaddish”) and why he death of a child is now considered shocking.

  4. Not only must we consider whether vaccines are good for our children but who is holding the needle? Recently, I was healed of high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, And irritable bowel syndrome. How? My wife threw out all sugar, fructose, corn syrup and any food that we could not pronounce the ingredients. We eat raw Fruit and vegetables. And drink Raw Milk and eat cheese & nuts. The medicine we need is in the food that we eat that G_d gave us.

  5. #4– That doesn’t afford protection against anything covered by a vaccine. Vaccines address viruses and infections, whereas you are addressing medical conditions caused by poor eating and exercise habits. No specific food can protect you against measles, chickenpox, smallpox, typhoid, or polio (though be healthy will increase your chance of survival).

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