UN Increasingly Concerned Over Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation in Gaza

United Nations officials are increasingly concerned over what they are calling a continued decline in the humanitarian situation in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) officials on Thursday announced a cessation of delivery of aid to 650,000 Gazans due to a lack of fuel, unable to continue transporting people in Gaza, citing the cause as a local Gaza strike.

Gaza UNRWA head John Ging stated the current situation is unacceptable, that the UN should find itself unable to continue delivering aid due to a fuel shortage, adding Israel promised to ensure the aid agency receives adequate supplies of fuel to operate.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I’m sure they realize that it’s Hamas, not Israel, that is causing this situation.

    However, of course, they will continue to blame Israel.

    Ain lanu al mi lish’on ela Avinu Shebashamayim.

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