Pesach At The Kosel – Birchas Kohanim

The Kosel Heritage Foundation announced that Birchas Kohanim that will take place on Monday, 17th of Nissan (April 22, 2019), the second day of Chol Hamoed Pesach in Eretz Yisrael.

Shacharis begins at 8:45 AM – Birchas Kohanim of Shacharis: 9:30 AM. Musaf begins at 10:00 AM and Birchas Kohanim of Musaf at 10:14 AM.

During yomtov there will be experiential tours of Kosel sites, including:

The Kosel Tunnels, a virtual-reality tour of the Beis Hamikdash, The Journey to Jerusalem – a journey of the routes your family took from its country of origin thousands of years ago, The Chain of Generations Center, and more.

The tours provide an extraordinary experience and fascinating meeting of old and new, ancient and modern.

Tens of thousands are expected to participate in Birchas Kohanim along with hundreds of kohanim.

Birchas Kohanim will take place in the presence of the Chief Rabbis of Israel and of the Rabbi of the Kosel and Holy Sites.

Kosel Heritage Foundation officials suggest if you’re planning on participating, arrive early! It is best to leave one’s car at one of the light rail parking lots (at Ammunition Hill or Mount Herzl), then take the train to the Jerusalem Municipality (Safra Square) and walk a few minutes down to the Kosel.

The Birchas Kohanim event will be broadcast live on the Kosel cameras and on the Kosel Heritage Foundation Facebook page.

To reserve tours and for additional information about tours one may visit the website or call *5958

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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