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Chametz Found on Supermarket Shelves in Yerushalayim

chometz3.jpgIt is not bad enough that the Jerusalem Municipal Court has opened the door permitting restaurants to sell bread on Pesach, but it is now learned that some branches of the SuperSol supermarket chain, the nation’s largest, are selling chametz items.

According to an Arutz-7 Hebrew news report, the station has received many complaints from angered consumers who spotted chametz on supermarket shelves alongside kosher for Pesach items.

Citing one case in particular, the branch in Givat Shaul, serving Har Nof and Kiryat Moshe residents too, had chametz on the shelves. When the store manager was questioned, he explained that the Rabbanut approved the sale of items that are not “chametz gamur”, not “actual chametz”.

A check with the Rabbanut quickly revealed the store manager was fabricating the story and the Rabbanut never gave any such permission for the sale of chametz items on the Yomtov.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. I was at the Kotel today. Aroma Cafe and Arab vendors were selling chametz to Jews and goyim celebrating the tourist season. At the stairs leading to the KOTEL!!!!!

    Too sad for words that the government of the only Jewish country in the world tries to destroy Torah life.

    At least the Hadassah Hospitals actively prevent anyone from bringing chametz in there. I’ve seen the guards in action and the signs warning violators of the chametz prohibition.

  2. I was at a large event catering to the Chareidi community in Jerusalem, held at Binyenei Oma – the largest conference center in town; the event was excellent, what spoiled it was the guard eating a sandwich at the door.

    Earlier the same day, a woman had come into a local supermarket, in a strictly Chareidi area, pulled up the curtains surrounding the “chometz” items, took out a cake and some cookies, and went to the checkout where she put them on the conveyor belt. The cashier told her that she can’t buy them; eventually she returned them to their shelf.

    Yes – we are still in golus – even (especially) in Israel.

  3. The Torah goes out of its way to say you are not chayav for someone else’s Chometz. It also says Al Tochiach Letz Pen Yisnoecha. All these people eating Chometz know its Pesach – and if you are mochiach them – Pen Yisnoecha; which is obviously worse.

  4. #2. It’s a fact that the Israel government does not want a Torah life in Israel and they do try to destroy what they could.

  5. That’s a big accusation against SuperSol. What exactly is not “chametz gamur”? Kitniyos? Something that people may eat bishias hadichak?

    What is it that he was selling? Was it in an area that was with regular pesach food, or off to the side?

    There are lots of questions here that should be answered before employing yellow-journalism tactics and writing “Chametz found on supermarket shelves in Yerushalayim” and showing a picture of a challah, when the truth could be far from that implication.

  6. #2 Torahis1. Get your facts right. Everyone who wants to know, knows that the Israeli government is giving peanuts to the Yeshivos compared to what they give to universities and even those peanuts they give under pressure and in order to keep the Frum parties happy. But their whole attitude, and greatest wish, is to destroy Torah life.

  7. Yeah #2, You dont know what your talking about! The goverment gives money to the churches too. The’re a socialist democracy, thats all. Like England, France,etc. not because they like the Yeshivos.

    Oh, by the way its great for the economy to bring chareidim to Israel, and the Jewish help from outside the country is also good. No they dont like us one bit.

  8. #2 Dont you realize what the protest is all about? We are protesting that a court has made a mockery of the Torah and are doing it with the Hilchos Chometz. Today, it is Chometz, tomorrow, it will be something else.

  9. to #2 (and again #10): it is obvious that you have no understanding what Supersol represents for us chareidim in Israel.
    This is hardly the forum to explain, but when a store that is supported by hundreds of thousands of chareidim openly goes against the Torah it is a big issue for us.
    In the same way that we have stopped buying at Shefa Shuk due to one of its sister companies being open on Shabbos.

  10. this sound like a local incident of poor management. I shopped in another Supersol in a mostly secular area last year at Pesach and was pleased to see only KLP products, and a good randge of B’datz for Pesach items. Chametz was well put away. I agree that the challah picture is alarmist.

  11. We are in golus,yes,EVEN in Eretz Yisroel. Those who own chometz on Pesach are chayov Koreis (b’maizid,even a trace).When Moshiach comes,(soon),the Torah law will rule and Hashem will be our King.

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