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Hamas Agrees to Six-Month Ceasefire

hamas3.jpgHamas on Thursday responded positively to the Egyptian ceasefire initiative, stating the terrorist organization is willing to accept a six-month truce in Gaza. The terror organization waved its major demand, that such a move also include a cessation of IDF operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron as well.

Speaking at a Cairo press conference, senior Hamas official Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahar announced the terror organization’s willingness to move ahead with the Egyptian initiative, stating its implementation must result in the immediate end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman is now expected to seek the approval of other Gaza-based terror organizations, as well as a response from Israel.

From Israel’s point of view, such a move would demand a total cessation of rocket attacks from Gaza, a halt to all warfare.

Skeptics, including Israeli UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman warn that the time would once again permit Hamas to restock and rearm itself for a yet more comprehensive round of warfare, as has been the case in the past.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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