THE NUMBERS: How Did Israel’s Chareidim Vote – A City by City Breakdown

67 percent of Israelis eligible to vote in yesterday’s election did so. The Percentage is quite high for Israel, and for most western countries.

Both Chareidi parties increased the number of seats that they won from the previous Knesset to this one and tied at 8 seats a piece. The parties together garnered more than half-a-million votes.

Israeli news site Kikar HaShabbat investigated the Chareidi vote and broke it down by city, counting the ballots of each of the cities with a high Chareidi population. The numbers reflect the voting of polling stations in Chareidi neighborhoods only.

[The 21st Knesset: More Chareidim and Fewer Women]


Ramot neighborhood – Shas 26%, UTJ 44.2%, United Right 2.3%, Likud 13.3%

Gush 80 – Shas 12%, UTJ 63.7%, United Right 1.1%, Likud 1.8%

Neve Yaakov – Shas 25.6 %, UTJ 64.6%, United Right 0.9%, Likud 4.85%

Bayit VeGan  Shas 20%, UTJ 71%, United Right 2.5%, Likud 3%,

Givat Shaul – Shas 21.6%, UTJ 50.8%, United Right 17.8%, Likud 4.8%,

Romema – Shas 14%, UTJ 62%, United Right 5.6%, Likud 8%,

Ramat Shlomo – Shas 13.6%, UTJ 83.3%, United Right 21.%, Llikud 0.9%,

Matersdorf- Shas 15.9%, UTJ 77.3%, United Right 1.5%, Likud 4.4%,

Har Nof – Shas 19%, UTJ 60%, United Right 10.5%, Likud 3.4%,

Modi’in Illit – Shas 17.1%, UTJ 80.4%, United Right 0.4%, Likud 1%,

Beitar Illit – Shas 26.5%, UTJ 63.2%, United Right 4.8%, Likud 3.4%,

Elad – Shas 45.8%, UTJ 37%, United Right 7.3%, Likud 7.2%,

Bnei Brak – Shas 26.4%, UTJ 61.3%, United Right 2.2%, Likud 5.3%,

Beit Shemesh – 32%, UTJ 40.3%, United Right 9.4%, Likud 12.2%,

Rechasim – Shas 42.3%, UTJ 44.7%, United Right 1.4%, Likud 7.4%,

Emanuel – Shas 36%, UTJ 37%, United Right 14.2%,Likud 7.6%,

Haifa (Charedi neighborhoods) – Shas 19.2%, UTJ 53.8%, United Right 2.8%, Likud 8.7%

Tevaria (Charedi neighborhoods) – Shas 47.7%, UTJ 18%, United Right 3.2%, Likud 22%,

Beit Hilkiya – Shas 1%, UTJ 92%, United Right 2.3%, Likud 2.3%

Kfar Chabad – Shas 2.4%, UTJ 19.1%, United Right 55.5%, Likud 15.9%,

Be’er Sheva (Charedi neighborhoods) Shas 45%, UTJ 15%, United Right 8.2%, Likud 25%,

Petach Tikvah (Charedi Neighborhoods) Shas 23.8%, UTJ 45.3%, United Right 13.3%, Likud 9%

[WATCH: Trump Calls Netanyahu To Congratulate Him, Tweets Photo of Trump Flags At Likud Victory]

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Most likely United Right was 2.1%, just the . was put in the wrong place. That brings to 99.9, with the difference likely due to rounding.

  2. The numbers are clearly wrong.
    Shas ultimately and overall in all of Israel, got more votes than UTJ but if you look at the above, UTJ ‘won’ in almost every neighborhood.

  3. HaKohen1:

    The numbers are not off. Shas got thousands of votes from Sephardic Yidden who are either religious, not religious, or mesorati. Those people do not live in Chareidi neighborhoods.

  4. Sanzer – these numbers are for Chareidi neighborhoods only. In non-Chareidi areas Shas got many more votes than UTJ.

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