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Bnei Brak Yeshiva Bachurim Postpone Trip to Remain and Vote

Talmidim of Yeshivas Nachlas Shlomo of Bnei Brak decided to postpone their trip abroad in order to be in Israel for Election Day. They were supposed to leave for a trip abroad after successfully passing a rigid Gemara exam on the Gemara they learned during the winter zman.

As the date of their planned trip neared, they consulted with the Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Avraham Erlanger, and the decision was made to postpone the trip and to work to enlist support for the chareidi party in the elections despite the costs incurred with changing their tickets.

The yeshiva does this every year, and in this case, 40 talmidim were scheduled to leave for their trip abroad during the first week of bein hazmanim.

Rav Erlanger consulted with HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita, who told him that if it is possible, despite considerable cost, the talmidim should remain in Israel to vote and go on the trip after Election Day.

The administration of the yeshiva contacted the travel agent and made the arrangements for the new date of the trip. Each of the 40 talmidim agreed to work towards getting two new votes for the chareidi party.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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