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Carter Denies Accuracy of Rice’s Statements

carter-arafat5.jpgIn a statement released by the Atlanta-based Carter Center, former US President Jimmy Carter stated he was not instructed by any US official not to meet with Hamas and Syrian officials during his recent Mideast tour.

Prior to and following Carter’s meetings in Damascus, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated the State Department instructed the former president not to meet with Hamas leaders. After Carter’s meeting, Rice released another statement clarifying the instructions given to Carter prior to his departure.

Nevertheless, the former president remains adamant to record the facts as he sees fit, opting to ignore the statements of senior US officials. His meetings were also in defiance of the expressed wishes of senior Israeli diplomatic officials.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. It may be Alzheimer’s, but I think he is suffering from another malady. He feels he is so wonderful, that HE can broker a deal, and that HE can fix the problem, and that once he performs HIS miracles, he would be a hero no matter what he was told.

    Though I really try to keep respectful of former presidents, I think we must realize who he is now. I believe this man is like the very old relative everyone seems to have whom we humor, and everyone nods their heads at him/her, knowing what he/she says is coming from a brain suffering from senile dementia or a variation thereof. With Carter, I think the dementia is partially caused by needing to feel useful after having all that power and after receiving the Nobel Prize and all. He can’t deal with being “over the hill” and has a strong and understandable need to feel useful. But after what he has experienced, to him, being useful means becoming the world’s Hero by doing the impossible.

    Though I do believe he made those Terrorists feel strengthened and legitimized, I also believe the rest of the world understands that President Carter is in that state where we just smile at him and understand where the nahrishkeit comes from.

    How sad to feel so useless that you feel you need to do this.

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