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Shas’ Atias: Rav Stav is Not Suited to be Chief Rabbi

stavShas MK Ariel Atias spoke with Galei Tzahal’s (Army Radio) Razi Barkai, addressing the election for new Chief Rabbis of Israel. Atias stated Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita is opposed to the candidacy of Rabbi David Stav in the race for Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. “Rabbi Amar gave Rav Ovadia a letter in which he expresses support for Rabbi Ariel, not Rav Stav” Atias explained.

Atias explained that Shas cannot support Rabbi Stav’s candidacy for as long as Maran opposes it, with the Gadol Hador explaining Rabbi Stav is simply not suited for the job. Rav Ovadia also expressed fears that if elected “Rav Stav will destroy the institute of rabbonus.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “but how could rabbi ovadia say that what about loshon harah…he doesnt realize hes saying loshon harah”

    yadi yada yada

  2. Now if Stav does winN he won’t repect shas or follow their requests

    Haven’t shas learned their lesson not to bash poeple

    I also don’t think he is suitable, but I keep my thoughts to myself

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