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Haber: Kadish Case Intended to Sabotage Pollard Release

pollard2.jpgEitan Haber, who served as bureau chief for the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, told the Israeli press that he views the arrest of Ben-Ami Kadish as much more than a coincidence.

Haber stated that with Bush completing his second term and about to make a visit to Israel to take part in the 60th anniversary celebration, those in American staunchly opposed to the release of Jonathan Pollard may be using this latest spy case to sabotage and thoughts of Bush agreeing to release Pollard prior to leaving office.

Haber explained this could be due to growing rumors that a backroom deal for a presidential pardon for Pollard will be actualized before Bush leaves the White House.

This is similar to the breaking of the case against Larry Franklin, the US Defense Intelligence Agency expert on Iran who passed information to an Israeli diplomat and AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which was timed with Israel’s deal with China regarding advanced weaponry systems that the White House found objectionable. Former senior AIPAC officials Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman were also implicated in the scandal. The breaking of the story placed enormous pressure on Jerusalem.

Here too, the link to a possible presidential pardon to Pollard cannot be overlooked. Most senior Israeli analysts feel the case itself is not a major development, particularly since it took place over two decades ago, but it may directly impact a presidential decision vis-à-vis Pollard.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. Here’s an idea:
    Hypothetically, if Kadish is found guilty as charged, Release Pollard & Kadish can take over same prison cell.

  2. i don’t understand at all what the difference between them is. in hilchos pidyon shvuyim is there a difference between someone sitting a long time or not, both have to come out and if only one then who cares which one?
    it is only some sort of propaganda about pollard, which the reason for is beyond me, why he is more to be pitied than anyone else, who spied for israel.

  3. I’ve got a great idea. What if Jews stopped spying on America for Israel or anyone else. I think that would solve all of these problems! Gut Moed

  4. machmoud- please dont call pidyon shvuim “propaganda”.also if you dont understand why he is to be pitied more than anyone else please think about it or ask someone to explain it to you before posting such a comment. the gedolei yisroel have made it clear that klal yisroel must make a strong effort in releasing Pollard SPECIFICALLY(last years chodesh nissan J Pollard Hotline). one looking at Pollards situation should realize that its not a question of pidyon shvuim but rather Pikuach Nefesh. a person put in solitary confinement for over a year and in prison for over 25 needs to get out.machmoud, dont you understand that one can lose their mind,quite literaly- after being treated that way?

  5. There’s something strange about this Pollard case.
    It is not in US’s self interest to keep him locked up.
    Does he perhaps know some deep and sensitive secret, that the US is determined will never get out?

  6. To number 5- Of course if he wants he can but as I said it is a perfect excuse if he does not want to.

    To number 7- I was also wondering what is at the bottom of this. I have heard from various sources that the State Department particularly was so angry and embarrased over this that they simply have engineered and facilitated with all the administrations not to let him go. No President wishes to be in bad graces with the State Department.

  7. Correction: The first part of my comment in number 9 was directed to mumber 6. I mistakenly addressed it to 5.

    The second part of my comment in number 9 is directed to #8. I mistakenly addressed it to #7.

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