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Deri Warns Against Apathy Amid Worrisome Polls

Shas party chairman Minister Aryeh Deri on motzei Shabbos warned party supporters against becoming apathetic, explaining this would lead to an existential threat for the party. Deri reminded supporters of the last polls which show the party only receives five seats.

During a motzei Shabbos appearance in the Yazdim Shul in Yerushalayim, Deri stated, “I want to tell you: chas v’sholom, our entire holy operation, the entire house that Maran established, it can all collapse and we face an existential threat.

“Only those who were there before can understand the galus we were in, what a low level we were at, like dust on the roadside, we didn’t have yeshivas, we didn’t have spiritual leadership, and we did not public leadership. We had almost nothing. Apathy can lead to great disaster.

“We all said that everything will be good. We have a brother in the king’s home. This is not the case however, and to our sorrow we see the most recent polls, the situation is not good, the tzibur is apathetic, thinking this is the time to back Netanyahu.”

Debbie added a warning. “The entire enterprise is a danger and I say this in a pained way. I would love to tell you that we are strong but this is not the truth. If we don’t do it we will have to pay the price.

“If only I could be freed from all of this, enough! I also would like to sit and learn. But how can I run away from this awesome responsibility? Should everything just be lost?

” We will not live in illusions,” Deri concluded.” We were already there, someone will take care of us? Who will take responsibility if not us? ”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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