WATCH: Shas Election Video Warns That Lapid Will Bring Toeiva Parade To The Kosel

In the accompanying Shas election video, viewers are warned regarding the number two man in the Blue and White party, Yair Lapid.

“Look carefully into his eyes” we are told, adding that he will bring a toeiva parade to the Kosel, the sale of chametz on Pesach, the elimination of the monthly child allowance payments, and the sale of chazir.

Aryeh Deri warns that a strong Shas is necessary to prevent this.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Lapids antisemitism pales in comparison to the 2 Arab senators in the US who after all are trying to lobby for their bretheren.
    They don’t call for the extermination of Torah practises or desecration of the Hliest place in Judaism. But this Satan the son of Satan in a human skull would re-enact the Spanish inquisition if he could, such is his hatred of the Torah and the נותן התורה.
    Well Mr Rabid Lapid, you and your friends throughout history have been washed away to oblivion, while the Torah goes from strength to strengh and those who toil in it are remembered and revered for millenia.

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