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Report: Syria was Building a Nuclear Reactor

nuclear.jpgCIA officials will tell the US Congress on Thursday that N. Korea was helping Syria to construct a plutonium-based nuclear reactor which in the future would have the ability to build nuclear weaponry.

According to the LA Times report, the report presented to Congress will explain the facility was destroyed before the objective could be reached, making reference to Israel’s bombing attack in Syria last year.

Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, complained in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal in October that the administration “has thrown an unprecedented veil of secrecy around the Israeli air strike,” and that based on information he had been given “it is critical for every member of Congress to be briefed on this incident, and as soon as possible.”

NOTE: On October 13th, YWN quoted a NY Times article [HERE] which stated that Israel had indeed bombed a partially built nuclear reactor.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I hope this does not go forward. If chas vesholem this goes through it won’t take long for Syria to renege on their word as has always been the case. Chalilah Vachalilah that this goes through.

  2. you would think that the congress is ready to commend israel for a job well done. this protects the interest of the west in that region and maintains the status quo indefinately as far as syria is concerned .
    all we need to do is to hope and pray l’h’k’b’h that we are able to do something with iran. the sooner the better.
    ‘rabos machshovos blev ish, v’azas elokin he sokim.’
    every body have a good moed.

  3. When Israel bombed the reactors in Iraq in 1981 the world yelled and put up a fit. I believe it was in 1991 that the world (aka the US) thanked Israel.

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