Chareidi Parties Plan Major Gathering Just Hours Before Polls Open For Israeli Elections

Numerous Gedolim lead by the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel and Degel Hatorah will convene on the eve of Israel’s elections next week for a mass-gathering in Jerusalem. The gathering, which will be attended by Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and the Gerrer Rebbe is expected to take place at the Bar Ilan intersection in the heart of the Chareidi section of Jerusalem.

The gathering will block the intersection and streets in the surrounding neighborhoods. BeChadrei Charedim reported that the Secretaries of the council, Yaakov Weltzer and Avraham Rubinstein are putting the finishing touches on the plans for the gathering.

The current plan is to hold the gathering beginning at 5:00PM on Monday, and for the  Rabbonim to speak to the masses on the eve of the elections in the hopes that they will be able to inspire a positive outcome for the Charedi community.

Rav Kanievsky is also expected to head to the Kosel afterwards and daven there for success as well.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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