ALERT – Confirmed Measles on El Al Flight From JFK; Flight Attendant in Serious Condition, Placed on Respirator

An El Al flight attendant was hospitalized Wednesday in a serious condition due to a suspected case of measles after a flight from New York to Tel Aviv.

The woman is unconscious and has been placed on a respirator at the Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.

The Ministry of Health said it was EL AL flight 002 that departed from Kennedy Airport, New York City on March 26 2019 and arrived in Israel on March 27 2019.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that even if you only suspect you developed symptoms of illness and you were aboard this specific flight, you need to immediately contact your general practitioner – preferably call your GP over the phone, and you need to minimize staying in public spaces (e.g. schools, buses, shopping malls, etc.).

On a related note, leading Monsey rabbonim have signed a letter telling everyone that they must vaccinate their children:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

30 Responses

  1. It’ all such a shame. Not only is it embarrassing and a Chillul Hashem to see on the evening news videos and photographs in news stories about frum Jews not being vaccinated, but it is emphasized all the more so because of much stubbornness and disrespect coming from the frum anti-vaxx communities. Not only do anti-vaxxers threaten and engage in financial lawsuits against yeshivas and shuls, but they will claim that you are being paid off by the pharmaceutical industry if you are in favor of modern medicine/vaccinations which are backed by Rabbonim, medical professionals, and medical academics (many of whom are frum medical professionals and scientists). I have YET to receive a phone number or contact info from an anti-vaxxer on who to reach from Big Pharma in order for ME to get paid for my views and thoughts. It’s getting to the point where if one picks and chooses which obligations one has in life, why suffer with the expense and taste of Pesadic food- go ahead and eat bread on Seder night….. as I sure rather eat bread on seder night than opt to injure or murder a young child or adult from a preventable disease. Antivaxxers please don’t respond to me unless you have contact information for me to receive money from Big Pharma for my thoughts and views.

  2. Moshe1994, Please watch your terminology theirs a GOD above. You ate creating Sinas Chinom. Theirs two side sides to the entire vaccine issue. And btw please share all the stories that you claim to know!

  3. “The woman is unconscious and has been placed on a respirator at the Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.”

    What? I can’t believe it. For years all the Anti-vaxxers that post on YWN – keep writing – Measles is Just a Benign Disease!!!

  4. @Moshe1994

    Channel 12 reports that the flight attendant had been vaccinated, but the immunization is only 93-97% effective.

  5. At some point, whether it be vaccination, fluoridation of the water supply, global warming etc., there are no longer TWO sides to the issue. When the vast majority of scientists agree on a general principle, we don’t give credence to the de minimius percentage of “experts” on the other side. More often than not, the dissenters are not only minimal in number but the so called experts have training in other scientific areas unrelated to the core discipline.

  6. @ehrlicher
    So all the more reason to demand that we have heard immunity… for the rare times the vaccine isn’t enough.

  7. Provax.

    If your memory serves you well, I hope you can recall from the vaccine thread in the coffee room, I have posted from the literature that predates the era of the MMR vaccine, in which it is clearly documented that measles is no benign disease and has caused a lot of deaths.

  8. TGIShabbos: your comments are excellent and right on target!
    Provax: you are wrong! DEAD wrong! There are NOT two sides to the vaccine story! As for “sinas chinam,” in case you don’t know, the word “chinam” means for no reason. The anti-vaxxers are reshaim and are personally responsible for the biggest chillul hashem we have seen in modern times! How many cases like the one of this flight attendant do you need to see to understand that the anti-vaxxer selfish, caring-about-no-one-but-themselves attitude has to go.
    And, as opposed to the selfish lawsuits of the anti-vaxxers because they don’t want anyone (even hashem) to tell them what to do, it’s time for lawsuits against unvaccinated people and their parents for the damage that they’ve caused to individuals, especially in cases such as this where terrible severe damage has been done by a selfish, hateful non-vaxxing individual!

  9. To Provax: How can you write what you wrote if you just read the article that says “The woman is unconscious and has been placed on a respirator at the Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba”? Will the other side take responsibility for the pain the family is going through? and if she c’v does not live, will the “other side” deal with everything that comes with death? if i didn’t have heart, i would daven to Hashem that these anti- vaxxers be smitten with Measles and go through the pain and suffering that the “very few” are going through. How about the person whose vision is impaired – possibly for the rest of his life? Will you be willing to tell Hashem to transfer to you the problems that person is dealing with?

  10. “Theirs two side sides to the entire vaccine issue.” I think most people here agree that there are two sides to many issues (sof zman kriyas shema, machine shmurah, gebrochts, etc), but not on other issues (chometz gamur on pesach, etc). Who decides when there are two sides to an issue? Should we just ask what random people yelling on the internet think? or should we rely on the experts? I think we all know the answer on this one…

  11. The flight attendant should have a refuah shlaima!
    There is some resistance now to antibiotics. Perhaps there is resistance now to some vaccines?

  12. “Perhaps there is resistance now to some vaccines?”

    Not resistance, but because the vaccines are deliberately designed to be safe, they are not as effective at providing immunity as they could potentially be. This is a tradeoff that works only as long as everyone vaccinates who can.

  13. There are two sides to the vaccine issue in the same sense that there are two sides to whether God exists and to whether God gave the Torah to Moshe.

    In other words, there are not two sides.

  14. Measles has no treatment and no cure. We can trust that the hospital is doing the best they can to manage the horrible complications that can result. But what we really need to do is to pray for this innocent woman’s recovery. Does anyone have her Hebrew name?

  15. The article says “suspected” case of the measles. Please let us know whether it ends up being the measles or something else.

  16. Why is everyone so up in arms? who said the flight attendant even has measles? It says she was hospitalized for a “suspected” case of measles. Even if she does have measles It doesn’t say anywhere in the article that there was a confirmed case of measles on the flight, so who said her exposure was on the flight? being hospitalized from measles 7 days after being exposed sounds a little fishy. 7 days from when someone is exposed is the minimum for them to first show signs of the disease, so for it to have gotten so bad on the first day is a little preposterous. Maybe she was exposed elsewhere before going on that flight?
    Those of you who think it’s chillul hashem that yidden don’t vaccinate, it’s a way bigger chillul hashem the way yidden ostracize their own brethren for not vaccinating. Do you know how many non jews are anti vaxxers? Thousands upon Thousands. Anti vax is not a jewish epidemic and everything we frum yidden due causes chillul hashem. How about how we drive when we are in a rush to get all our errands done before pesach, how about the fact that we spend thousands of dollars to send our children to yeshiva and then need government help to buy food. The goyim always find what to hate the yidden for. They did for thousands of years before antivaxxers existed and before vaccines existed. All we should worry about is that each of us on our own is making Hashem proud of our behavior, more important than worrying how the goyim view yidden.

  17. sorry, I see now that the headline says there was a confirmed case of measles on the flight but it doesn’t say whether it was a jew or not.

  18. Pogrom2019 – “M There was a time that most doctors approved camel cigarettes.” Ok, so since experts make mistakes, we shouldn’t listen to anything experts say? Instead we should listen to random people on the internet, beacuse they don’t make mistakes? Sounds strange.

    In general every field has its experts that we should listen to even if they occasionally make mistakes. Rabbonim occasionally make mistakes, but we still listen to them because they’re still the experts about halacha. Generally it would be irresponsible to listen to a random guy on the street saying “look how rabbonim once made a mistake, and rabbonim are out there to make money for themselves, big rabbanus, and instead we should listen to a random guy or group that has no strong connections to the mesorah and the community of rabbonim and poskim.” Following such people would be irresponsible even if rabbonim occasionally make mistakes.

  19. Pogrom2019 – are you off your medications? Try performing the same indepth research you would do as if you had a difficulty with a daf in Gemora. Have you performed all this research before you have shouted out stupidly “FAKE NEWS?” Doctors in yesteryear not only didn’t say anything about the negativity in smoking cigarettes as most of them smoked cigarettes every chance they got. This woman once she has a Refuah Schlema, she should find out who the passenger was who was infected and bring a civil suit against that person

  20. People please be Dan lekaf zechus. Why do you all agree that the flight attendant had the vaccine and still got the measles, while nobody mentioned here that maybe the passenger (if there was actually a passenger with measles) also had the vaccine and got the measles? Just because the questionable passenger was possibly a yid and possibly frum, everyone automatically jumped to the conclusion that it was a frum antivaxxer. Please stop the Sinas chinum to your own brothers

  21. It’s time to put an end once and for all to the wicked “frum” anti-vaxxer movement. Please, everyone, please contact your state legislators and urge them to do away with religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccination. Unfortunately, in our communities, too many people are pretending that there is some kind of religious issue here, and unfortunately the goyim and authorities don’t know that this is 100% sheker. Elimination of the religious exemption is currently a major goal of all medical organizations that care about people. Three states (including California) allow exemptions only for medical indications. Please, especially if you live in NJ or NY, contact your state legislators today and urge them to do away as soon as possible with religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccination. Please do it today!!!

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