Classified Documents Forgotten At Ben-Gurion Airport By National Security Council Aide

The head of the National Security Council (NSC), Meir Ben-Shabbat and members of the security delegation traveled to an important meeting with the Prime Minister of India and senior officials of the defense establishment in India about four months ago. They reviewed classified documents before boarding the plane but forgot the documents in the restaurant of the airport where they sat.

Haaretz reported on Wednesday that an aide to Ben-Shabbat prepared classified documents ahead of the meetings with Indian Prime Minister Nerandra Modi. The documents in question dealt with arms deals between the two countries, which were to be discussed at the meeting.

The waiter responsible for the shift found the documents, but the team was already on the plane. He contacted the Israeli embassy in India and the documents were transferred to the embassy’s security officer, thus avoiding a diplomatic-security disaster.

Following an investigation conducted by the NSC, the assistant was accused of losing the documents but received only a warning.

Ben Shabbat, arrived in India this January for a meeting with India’s National Security Adviser, Agit Duvall, and continued meetings with the director-general of the Indian Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs and heads of the security organizations in the country.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. What were the head of the National Security Council (NSC), Meir Ben-Shabbat and members of the security delegation doing in a treif restaurant in an Indian airport? If you play with fire don’t be surprised if it burns you.

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