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Chareidim in Haifa Take to the Streets in Response to Attack

Dozens of chareidim in Haifa on Tuesday took to the street on Yehoshua Street after yet another attack against a community member by a resident, a former immigrant from the FSU (Former Soviet Union).

After the latest attack, a reported 100 members of the local chareidi community took to the streets in anger, demanding police respond to the scene. A swastika was detected in the area as well, the work of the attackers, angering not only the chareidim, but other Jewish residents of the area.

In the past, the FSU residents according to local chareidim also attacked shuls and desecrated holy books. On Tuesday they explained they are no longer willing to tolerate the thugs.

Local chareidi leaders arrived on the scene and together with police, restored calm and prevented the situation from escalating out of hand.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. To generalize against FSU immigrants is completely wrong. The wording of this article did generalize and is therefore very dangerous.
    Of ocurse there are some who are not halachically JEwish, but the vast majority, a million of them are halchically jewish and have advanced into Israeli society very well. BEing in top army units, and advancing economically and being able to practice levels of judaism in which they could not at the FSU.

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