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Viewing Education as a Paramount Ideal

For Avraham Brun, who for the past quarter of a century stands at the helm of the nation’s hesder yeshiva network, something drastic must be done to unite the Religious Zionist Camp towards an emphasis on educational issues.

According to the Reshima Echad (One List) Hebrew website, Brun is extending his reach to all factions of the Religious Zionist Camp, left and right, hoping to obtain enough broad-based support to move forward.

At present, those lending their name to his effort include the founder of the religious left-wing Meimad Party Rav Yehuda Amital, as well as others associated with the party, Rabbi MK Michael Melchior and Rabbi Yehuda Gilad.

On the right side of the political spectrum, listed among supporters are Rav Zalman Melamed of Beit El, Rav Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba and Baruch Marzel.

Brun points out that while 22% of the nation sends its children to Dati Leumi (National Religious) schools, only 8% voted for a religious Zionist party in the last election, signaling the need to unify ahead of the next national election with an emphasis on education.

Marzel, who heads the Jewish National Front, a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, praised the effort but dismissed running on the same list with someone like Melchior, who is associated with the left-wing, politically and religiously.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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