Ruderman Family Foundation Condemns “Ugliest” Election Cycle In Israel’s History

More than a few commentators have pointed out that the election campaign for the 21st Knesset has reached “new lows”. While there have already been personal attacks levied by the candidates, many feel this election campaign has deteriorated to a level that is void of discussing the facts, but rather it is an exchange of attacks and candidates responding to those attacks. The flinging of insults and name-calling has reached an insulting level, one that is truly offensive to many potential voters.

The Ruderman Family Foundation, international leaders in advocating for the full inclusion of people with disabilities into society, has expressed its dismay at the current election cycle in Israel, condemning the insulting stereotypes being used by politicians about people with disabilities. Jay Ruderman, President of the Ruderman Family Foundation stated:

“Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed a troubling public discourse that is offensive towards people with disabilities.

“Just in recent days, following comments about the mental capacities of prime ministerial candidates, there has been total loss of restraint and a complete loss of shame, using attack-filled statements riddled with prejudice and offensive language.

“The current election cycle in Israel will likely be remembered as the ugliest we have ever seen. Politicians are allowing themselves to abuse one another, while using disgusting stereotypes about people with disabilities – from the nickname ‘autistic’, to claims of insanity.

“Most Israelis already well understand that people with disabilities are equal and strong partners in society. It is a real shame some of the politicians running for the highest office in the country live in an outdated world, long begone. The path to fixing things must start here and know – without delay.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I am not surprised at the conclusions/observations drawn by the Ruderman Foundation. That is the typical behavior of Israelis, as painful as it may be to say that. They have chutzpah, gaavah, attitude and everything that Pirkei Avos rallies against.

  2. This is all because, on security issues both sides are substantially equivalent and no one wishes the broach & tiptoes around the enormous elephant in the room: there is much more besides just security

  3. The whole premise of this piece is perverse. Perhaps there should be no shame in being crazy, perhaps we should consider it a medical condition like any other, but it should be obvious that a crazy person is not fit to be prime minister, and anyone who thinks otherwise is, well, crazy. Nobody would hire a paraplegic as a firefighter, or someone with hand tremors as a diamond cutter, and no normal person would entrust the country’s future to someone who thinks Netanyahu would have him killed, if only he had some way to do so. Someone who belongs in a padded room does not belong in the PM’s office.

    (For one thing, does Gantz really think Netanyahu doesn’t have enough criminal connections that if he wanted to put out a hit on him he could do it?!)

  4. The sides are not at all equivalent on security. Any government that exists on the votes of the country’s enemies (and no matter what Mandelblit says, the Arab parties are the country’s enemies) must necessarily be weak on security. When Tibi controls whether you stay in office, you will give him what he demands.

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