Chareidi Woman Exposes Newborns and Others to Measles in Poriah Hospital

Dozens of newborn infants were exposed to the measles after a chareidi woman who gave birth in Poriah Hospital in Tiveria exposed them to it.

According to the KAN11 News report, the 30-year-old woman arrived in the hospital on Friday and gave birth to her 10th child on Shabbos. According to the report, the woman woke up on Shabbos morning with a rash and went to the nurse’s station asking to be checked. It was determined that she had the measles and had exposed everyone in the surrounding area.

After the woman was diagnosed, the decision was made to vaccinate the 26 newborns who were exposed. The Ministry of Health is also conducting an inquiry in checking the other mothers who just gave birth to make sure there were well.

Poriah Hospital released the following statement: “The medical center, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, took all necessary measures, including isolation of the mother, to locate others at risk and to vaccinate all who came in contact with her.

“It should be emphasized that the issue is being treated and under control, and there is no danger to the exposure of other mothers or patients.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If “there is no danger to the exposure of other mothers or patients” why is it the lead item on YWN and why does the headline read “Chareidi Woman Exposes Newborns and Others to Measles in Poriah Hospital”. Is the hospital telling the truth or covering up?

  2. The article is unclear as to whether this woman herself was vaccinated and if not, why she would be allowed into the obstetrics unit of a hospital. Is that a standard policy or is isolation a normal protocol?

  3. LASHON HARA!! “Chareidi” woman? What is the toeles? Did you ask a shayla before posting such a denigration of an entire klal? You are making a big mistake. Please ask a real rav. You are doing real damage to yourself.

  4. So much missing info here.
    Was the Mother ever vaccinated? I always thought skipping vaccinations was a recent phenomena.
    If she was not vaccinated it is a big Chillul and people should be angry. It is one thing to walk in the street, it is totally irresponsible for her to be in an OB. floor.
    Maybe the Toeles is that we should be more careful and not do selfish things BECAUSE it leads to bad reputations.

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