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United Right-Wing Campaigns Against High Court’s Overbearing Authority [VIDEO]

The United Right-Wing party headed by Rabbi Rafi Peretz released the accompanying video which is a clear and blatant message against the authority of the High Court of Justice.

The video citizens are told to vote, and when one places one’s ballot envelope into the box, it is shredded, showing that voting in the Knesset is overpowered by the decisions of the High Court.

This video was prompted by the court’s decision on Sunday, March 31, 2019, refusing to place candidate Itamar Ben-Gvir in the fifth slot as requested after the very same court disqualified the other Otzma Yehudit candidate, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari. After he was disqualified, those involved felt was appropriate to move the other party candidate to that slot. However, the court ruled there will be no changes after their deadline has passed for submitting names for lists.

The statement released by party leader Rabbi Peretz says, “the High Court does not miss an opportunity to involve itself in the will of the voter. After it became involved in formulating the list of the United Right-Wing, it then became involved in deciding the order of the lineup. The party under my leadership will act to restore the High Court of Justice to its proper place – the judiciary; not the legislature, not the executive, and certainly not the one who elects”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. People are finally understanding that in the 1990s the Israeli judiciary and Justice Department executed a coup, and installed themselves as dictators. The true head of Israel’s government is not Binyamin Netanyahu but Avichai Mandelblit, and he will remain in office no matter what the election outcome might be, until he chooses to retire. When he does, the government, whoever they are, will have a “choice” of three identical candidates to replace him, all representatives of the Justice Dept career civil service, i.e. the left.

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