Election Poll: Right-Wing Remains on Top with Chareidi Backing

According to the latest News12 election poll, not much is changed in the past week. The right-wing bloc remained stable with over 60 seats, and the chareidim maintain their 12 seats, and the Blue and White party remains in the lead with 32 seats.

According to the poll which was released on Sunday evening March 31, 2019, if elections were held today Blue and White 32, Likud 28, Labor 8, Hadash-Ta’al 7, Yahadut Hatorah 6, Shas 6, New Right 5, Meretz 5, United Right-Wing 5, Zehut 5 Kulanu 5, Yisrael Beitenu 4, and Ra’am-Balad 4.

The Orly Abekasis-Levi’s Gesher party does not get in.

As a result, the right-wing bloc remained steady with 52 seats and an additional 12 seats from the chareidim totaling 64. The center and left-wing received 45 seats, the Arab parties a total of 11. Hence, once again it appears even if Benny Gantz wins the popular vote, he will not be able to assemble a coalition government.

Who is most suited to serve as prime minister?
38% Binyamin Netanyahu
36% Benny Gantz
15% Neither one
11% Do not know

Unrelated to your own opinion, who do you think will form the next coalition government?
56% Binyamin Netanyahu
22% Benny Gantz
4% neither one of them
18% I do not know

The poll was conducted by the mid to Midgam Institute’s Dr. Mina Tzemach and Mano Geva in cooperation with iPanel. 502 persons representing a cross-section of Israeli adults 18 years and older were polled. The margin of error is +/- 4.4%. The data was collected on Sunday, March 31.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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