Yeshiva Bochur Nearly Dies After Accidentally Drinking Milk

A 15-year-old Yeshiva Bochur from the center of the country who is severely allergic to milk was admitted to an intensive care unit in Petach Tikvah’s Schneider Children’s Hospital after he accidently drank milk in Yeshiva, leading to the life-threatening situation.

The bochur, Moshe, opened the refrigerator in the yeshiva where he learns and took out a container of almond milk which he prepared for himself, a bottle that he marks to avoid error between him and other talmidim.

After the first gulp he began to feel this throat swell and he immediately realized he was having an anaphylactic reaction to cow milk. He acted quickly and appropriately, and immediately injected himself with the epinephrine from his EpiPen, but it was not sufficient, and he was in severe respiratory distress, leading to a need for resuscitation as his airway continued to swell shut.

It appears that the cow milk led to a severe anaphylactic reaction, and when his friends realized the severity of the situation, they immediately summoned an ambulance. Paramedics were able to deliver lifesaving care on the scene and he was transported to the hospital in serious condition.

B’chasdei Hashem the quick actions of the talmid himself, his friends and the paramedics on the scene saved his life. Dr. Elchanan Nachum reports that the young man’s condition has stabilized, and he remains in intensive care unit.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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