Chareidi Response to Peri Committee: It’s a Declaration of War

mAny and all chareidi newspapers are giving prominent space to report on the situation following the Peri Committee’s passing of the new chareidi draft law. The reaction of Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, chareidim elected officials and askanim is more or less viewing the committee’s passing of the new bill as a “declaration of war” against the chareidi tzibur and those who dedicate their lives to limud Torah. There is a unified voice emanating from the chareidi tzibur, one of defiance, one promising talmidim will go to prison but they will not be forced to serve in the IDF.

Yated Ne’eman reports the yeshivos around the country will hold kenosei tefilos on Thursday, 21 Sivan 5773 in addition to instructing talmidim to increase limud Torah on erev Shabbos and on Shabbos.

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Hacker Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Grodna states “We must take the situation more seriously. We cannot play with the situation. The situation is most serious and therefore, out behavior must be very serious.

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yaakov Asher said “Yesh Atid is seeking headlines by taunting chareidim to blur the party’s failures in dealing with the economy. Unfortunately, it is proven again as is the case with the economic decrees that Yesh Atid prefers to shift the blame for everything towards the chareidim. They are uninterested in chareidi induction. They actually prefer seeing chareidim getting arrested. They prefer protests over appeasement…One thing is for certain. The Torah world will continue to exist as we have done throughout history when they tried to harm us. As they did not succeed in the past they will be unsuccessful today.”

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush stated “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be remembered throughout history as the person whose government decided to send those learning Torah to jail.”

Flyers have been seen in Yerushalayim signed by the נ.ג.ח. organization, which stands for “נגד גיוס חרדים” (Against Drafting Chareidim), warning price tag attacks for each chareidi bnei yeshiva imprisoned for his refusal to be inducted into the military.

The notice says that “IDF Authorities Beware – Chareidim will take revenge. For each talmid and for each day he sits in jail, an IDF soldier (even though he is innocent), will receive 18 lashes. Beware!”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. It’s more like a pre-war ultimatum (think July 1914, rather than September 1939 or December 1941). There is plenty of room to negotiate, and many reasons to think there might be a compromise. Likud and Bayit Yehudi benefitted greatly with the alliance with the Hareidim, who were willing to hand out a blank check on security and econmic policies demanding little in return other than to be left alone. Both Likud and Bayit Yehudi will be worse off if the hareidim in the future give that blank check to someone else (to anyone willing to abolish conscription) – such as the Isareli left wing parties or even the Arabs. The Hareidim have dropped hints of their openness to alliance with the enemies of Likud and Bayit Yehudi.

    The “declaration of war” will be when the Israeli start to arrest yeshiva students for draft refusal, or start to seize money raised abroad by the yeshivas. But until that happens, there is hope for a peaceful resoution.

  2. To use the July 1914 analogy (the month was devoted to pre-war negotiations and maneuvering), we should remember the famous statement of the British foreign minister, made the night the war started “The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our time”.

  3. Our enemies just don’t learn, do they? Does this nincompoop Lapid think he will succeed where others were never able to? What a fool!

  4. Fools! Fools! Fools!

    The whole Middle East is on fire; The U.S. is abandoning Israel; and Iran is preparing a missile attack.

    Is this a time to foment a civil war against G-D and the Orthodox Jewish population of Eretz Yisroel?

    What happened to the “Precautionary Principle”–“First, do no harm?”

    The ability of Israel to exist among the sea of bloodthirsty Arabs who want to exterminate them can only be termed a miracle.

    Are the secular extremists so certain of their atheism that they are willing to take the chance that G-D will abandon them to their enemies as a result of their perfidy?

  5. The notice says that “IDF Authorities Beware – Chareidim will take revenge. For each talmid and for each day he sits in jail, an IDF soldier (even though he is innocent), will receive 18 lashes. Beware!


  6. It remains to decide whether there’ll be civil war or the Czars Lapid/Bennett/Netanyahu will be taken care of like Ariel Sharon.

  7. #8 who are these charedim you speak of ? . maybe they include gedolei yisrael, in which yoour opening your mouth altogether is chutzpah.

  8. The posters are candy to the eyes of anti-Semites around the world. Why can’t the Jews live together, Am Yisrael Chai?

  9. zachweix, You sound like that guy in the back that has no clue to whats going on, and tries to open his mouth and say something, that makes him sound like he’s following the situation. In case you have the slightest regard for chaz”al, why dont you take their advice and …. syag lachochmah shtika.

  10. yosse,

    exactly, let the IDF know that every single bochur learning in yeshiva is protecting them!!!

  11. Shulamit: Because the secular elite who rule Israel aren’t content to merely tolerate a minority who wish to concentrate on learning Torah and doing mitsvos, but activity which to surpress them. Hareidim wish to be left alone. The Hilonim have chosen to go on the warpath.

  12. Please retreet from your gzeira on talmidei yeshivos, once G-D decides to pay back it might be to late,
    Arik was given a chance came out of his first stroke but did not retreet that chance was for hurting 10,000 jews so for trying to fight 50,000 yeshiva students you might not stand a chance, Benjamin you are a good prime minister why fight G-D, he is stronger to no comparisent, DON’T TRY

  13. I dont see the wisdom in attacking an armed soldier. The soldiers should receive orders to defend themselves with any means of force necessary.

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