Feiglin Asked To “Stop Filming” In Kfar Chabad

Moshe Feiglin, who is the chairman of the Zehut party, arriving on Thursday morning at the 770 building in Kfar Chabad but he and his film crew were asked to halt filming. The officials told him that “Chabad does not involve itself in politics,” and asked him not to continue photographing and filming.

However, he was allowed to enter, and even entered the “Rebbe’s room” – a perfect replica of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s room in New York.

The chairman of Zehut party, a descendant of Chabad Chassidim for generations, sent a special letter to Chabad Chassidim. “When I’m asked what the Zehut party is, my answer is: ‘Zehut is the Chabad House in the political arena,'” Feiglin said. “The Chabad House, whose visitors know exactly what the place is, and knows that no one will force anything upon them. This is the case in an identity party.”

Feiglin has fallen out of favor with most rabbonim in all streams as his campaign has surrounded his battle to legalize cannabis.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Moshe Feiglin a decade or so ago was hated as a vocal ‘homophobe’. He has since evolved/ devolved on the socio-religious moral spectrum and now more of a libertarian.
    . The media across-the-board ,as far as Haaretz, have given him favorable coverage, They’re backhandedly promoting his movement which they nary had a decent word hitherto

  2. Might it be that other issues that for most others are of national import,they grasp as little more than smoke and mirrors?

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