Ben-Givir Promises To Be Like The Chareidim Regarding Yeshiva Funding

Itamar Ben-Givir, a candidate from the Otzma Yehudit party and running under the United Right-Wing ticket, announced during an address before talmidei yeshiva, that parents in the dati leumi community are compelled to pay too much money to add to school budgets, and he will “be like the chareidim” regarding education budgets.

Speaking to high school students in Dimona, Ben-Givir had harsh words for dati leumi politicians, blaming them for the unacceptably high tuitions parents are compelled to pay to permit their children to attend good dati leumi schools.

Ben-Givir added, “I do not understand why regarding all matters in the chareidi tzibur they can present ultimatums, and thereby achieving their goals. Kahlon can present an ultimatum and tell what he is demanding, and only the dati leumi community remains outside, and why can’t we give ultimatums?

“In a certain sense, the religious Zionists became the deprived children of the State of Israel,” he explained, continuing, “Today, in order to send our children to be educated in worthy religious institutions, we have to spend tens of thousands of shekels on yeshiva or ulpana (dati leumi girl’s high school).”

He added that compared to dati leumi schools, the chareidim complete projects and the time has come for the religious Zionists community to do the same, and this must become a major priority as it is with the chareidim.

Earlier this week, Ben-Givir was scheduled to appear in Sapir College but his appearance was canceled by the school after three other representatives, from other parties, threatened if Ben-Givir participates, they will not attend, as reported by YWN-Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Mr.Ben-Ari. Is he proverbially far right ?OK.Without a doubt. There are others on the far right who have in the past been in Knesset.
    Ben Ari served in knesset himself as recently as 2013.
    What does he and Baruch Marzel have on the others?A wish for a Theocratic biblical state?Perhaps in the long longer-term ,Not for an immediate future.
    They have unabashedly, loudly, in the most public sense, condemned all forms sexual perversions. So they were banned.
    Their sidekick, Itamar Ben Gvir, was not. why ?He sings the same song as they do on National and security issues,but avoids social issues for the most part.There has long been rumors he is connected to Shabak and the Deep state. He’s a leading right-wingist who gets hilltop youth out of jail? Big deal. Small price for them to pay

  2. Because, Attorney Ben-Gvir, a party has to set it’s priorities.
    With Chareidim the priority has always been education of the young and the yeshivas.
    Believe me, there was a time when the govenment contributed nothing to most boy’s schools and the the Bais Yaakovs were very much underfunded comapared to the leumi schools, and that is still the case.
    There was a time when the dati leumi considered education it’s top priority, the Minister of Education was almost always assuredly a member of the NRP.
    Things changed, the dati-leumi movement became synonomus withthe Gush Emunim Movement and prioritized the settlement enterprise.
    Perhaps that’s why the schools have leveled off in their funding.
    Still, it will take many years of incresed hareidi spending to come close to the level of infrastructure that still exists in dati-leumi schools.
    That discrepancy takes a long while to overcome, and probably never will because of the ever increasing, B”H, beli-ein-hara, number of students the haredim must educate.
    Also, the dati-leumi teachers got accustomed to higher salaries from their heyday, and they are used to it…higher salaries means higher tuitions.
    I know that you do not begrudge what the hareidim have achieved, but only want to emulate, which is proper, but please realize that parties must set their priorities because, unfortunately, those who want to achieve worthwhile things in a negative majority culture, must make sacrifices.
    B’Hatzlacha in achieving all your worthy goals.

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