PHOTOS: Yesh Atid MK Visits Ichud Hatzalah: ‘We Don’t Hate Chareidim’


MK (Yesh Atid) Shimon Solomon visited Ichud Hatzalah national headquarters, located in the Romeima area of Yerushalayim.

Solomon is the first MK from his party to make an official visit with leaders of the life-saving organization, which has many chareidi volunteers. Solomon showered the organization’s directors with words of praise as he was given a VIP tour of the dispatch center and other areas of the facility.

Ichud officials confirm that over half of its 2,000 nationwide membership base is composed of members of the chareidi tzibur. Solomon told his hosts “Despite what many believe, we in Yesh Atid don’t hate chareidim.”

01 02

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Ichud Hatzalah Spokesman’s Office)

15 Responses

  1. #1:
    These people believe they are doing what is good for the country, the people as a whole and the charedim in particular, the fact that you don’t agree or see it that way doesn’t mean they suddenly hate you it just means that your view of things is different then theirs.

    Your only suggestions are the poison of splitting our people, instead suggest constructive solutions.

    IH just like any other org. needs funding and just like any other org. they don’t care where the money comes from.
    Also good PR for charedim is good.

  2. #2, Because he’s Black? He’s a Jew. Your showing your true colors.

    People can have an honest disagreement and just because you feel differently than Chareidim, doesn’t make you a Rosha and he doesn’t look frightening, he looks rather thoughtful.

  3. Keeper of the Keys: In the Soviet Union, the Communists also believed they were doing what is good for the country, the people as a whole and the Jews in particular.

    The same can be said for the Misyavanim.

  4. The same can be said for the Charedim.

    they are eroding any goodwill people had for them, they are eroding generations of Jewish customs, ideals and actions. All that, just so they can continue to receive money given to them by the people they so despise and belittle.

  5. #7 – No one is discussing money anymore, and certainly not money from the Israeli government. The issue is taking boys out of yeshiva for a prolonged time, banning them from learning Torah, and forcing them to adopt a secular lifestyle for several years. People whine about money. The fight that threatens the stability of the yishuv is over Torah and Mitsvos.

  6. Don’t forget that my previous post where I revealed Lapid’s secret plan.
    I don’t know how many Charedim Lapid will eat, but I’m sure he won’t eat too many, although he can freeze those he doesn’t eat right away. I also heard that he will cut off tongues to make sure no learning is done, and besides all first born sons being enslaved, he will make it illegal for girls to learn how to be a PT/OT/ST.

  7. #5: What’s black got anything to do with it?! (I don’t think he is in any case, he just looks very tanned!) The fact that that was what you thought shows your colours, not mine… because he doesn’t exactly look like the biggest yirei shamayim unfortunately, that’s what I was referring to… may he do tshuva soon!
    This might be a big chidush for you but there is no such thing as an ‘honest disagreement’ with Daat Torah!! And yes when you try and force those living by Daat Torah to instead listen to your contradictory opinion, that absolutely makes you a big, genuine, certified rasha! That that fact isn’t obvious to you should really wake you up… May their evil plans come to naught!

    #3: Wrong – this is nothing to do with ‘your view being different from theirs’ – it is their view being against the Torah as defined by the gedolei Torah of the generation and therefore by definition wrong and even evil. You seem to be confusing the opinion of the Torah with that of (lehavdil!) empty politicians – you won’t get very far like that!

    #7: Haha are you seriously accusing the charedim of all things of ‘eroding generations of Jewish customs, ideals and actions’??!? Would you care to suggest a better guardian in their place in that case – the Pope perhaps…?? Or maybe Lapid! I heard he really gives great Shabbos drashas (on Facebook)

  8. The Communists and the Misyavanim included many Jews, who in good faith believe they were benefiting their people by enlightening them and making them part of the modern world.

  9. #7 & #10 shekersharer: Lapid is openly out to destroy Torah life as practised by the G-d fearing community of Eretz Yisrael since he knows better than the Torah leaders of the generation what’s best not only for the country as a whole but for the charedim too. Not only is that hatred of the Torah hashkafa, but it is also arrogance of an unprecedented level. And by the way the money that you accuse the charedim of ‘taking’ was taken from them in the first place in the form of taxes just like it is from every other citizen, consumer and resident of the land. Quite the opposite to your false accusation, the real question here is why a chareidi child gets a mere fraction of the funding of his education a secular child gets – & many more further examples of the same anti-chareidi discrimination!!

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