It was an emotional Simcha at Yishuv Itamar in the Shomron, where the Baal Simcha invited a son of terror victim Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY”D to serve as Sandek at the Bris in which the newborn was named after his late father.
Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY”D, 47, was one of two Israelis murdered in the Ariel Junction terrorist attack, which occurred earlier this month. Also murdered in the attack was IDF Lt. Gal Keidan HY”D, 19, from Be’er Sheva.
Rabbi Ettinger, a father of 12 and Rosh Yeshiva, saved the life of a woman during the attack, as he saw the terrorist aim his weapon at the woman. The Rav exited his vehicle and walked towards the terrorist, while opening fire with his pistol. The terrorist, who was about to fire at the woman, then directed his weapon at Rav Ettinger, critically wounding him. He died of his massive injuries the following day.
On the same day, a grandson was born to the woman whose life Rabbi Ettinger saved.
The child was named Achiad (ben Chananel and Miriam) at his Bris on Tuesday, in memory of the hero who saved his grandmother’s life.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)