Carter: Meshal Says Shalit is in Good Physical Health

gilad2.jpgSpeaking from Yerushalayim’s King David Hotel on Monday morning, former US President Jimmy Carter told reporters that Hamas leader Khaled Meshal promised him during their Damascus meeting that captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit is in good physical health.

Meshal is willing to bring Shalit to Egypt under certain conditions as a move towards a prisoner exchange deal with Israel, Carter explained.

Carter stated that Israel and America’s refusal to meet with Hamas is problematic since Hamas must be involved in the process.

In a meeting with Shas leader Eli Yishai, Carter stated Meshal may permit Shalit to send a letter to his parents as Yishai requested in his first meeting with Carter prior to his departure for Damascus. Yishai is seeking such a letter this week, during Pesach. Carter informed Yishai that Hamas exhibited a willingness to release Shalit in return for Israel releasing 400 prisoners.

Carter called upon Yishai to play a greater role, along with Egypt, along with President Hosni Mubarak and Egyptian Chief of Intelligence Omar Suleiman, with the minister agreeing to do so. Yishai did stress however that while he will do his utmost; he is not officially involved in negotiations as a representative of the Israeli government.

Yishai also signaled there is increased pressure towards America releasing Jonathan Pollard, explaining America cannot continue to pressure Israel to release terrorists while remaining opposed to the release of Pollard.

Yishai is critical of the government’s decision to boycott Carter and his mission, stating all avenues must be explored towards obtaining the release of captive soldiers. Following their meeting, Yishai updated Noam Shalit, the captive soldier’s father.

Yishai is among a small number of ministers and senior officials agreeing to meet with Carter during his visit, with most opting to take their signal from the American State Department, which announced its objections to the Carter mission and meetings with Hamas leaders.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. It would be interesting to know what our Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel have to say on this and how we should proceed
    .It is ,after all,”Z’MAN (Ge’uloseinu” and) ” CHAIRUSEINU”
    How should we respond to a seeming sonei Yisroel dabbling in these negotiations?

  2. Where does shas get the chutzpa to meet with this Rosho? What’s next, a meeting with Netrurei Karta? Obama? or chas v’sholom Hillary?

  3. it’s about time someone told america to give back pollard if they are telling everyone else who to give back!!!!! the truth is this should have been said years ago!! and truth be told if america knew someone was holding their soldier captive they would obliterate them to get him back!! it’s time to obliterate the palastinian territory piece by piece till our soldiers are home!!!!!

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