Neturei Karta Rabbi Hirsh on Drafting of Bnei Yeshivos

nkhRabbi Yisrael Meir Hirsh, a leading figure in Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisrael, spoke with Kol Chai Radio on Sunday night the eve of 18 Sivan 5773. Rabbi Hirsh was asked to comment on new law that will compel bnei yeshivos to report for military service. He explained that when he was drafted, he sat in lock up for two weeks in the Bakum Induction Base until military officials realized they will not succeed in compelling him to serve. He was then released.

Hirsh feels the chareidim are to blame. He uses the Arabs as an example. He explains it is clear to all Israeli Arabs are not about to enter the IDF and fight against their brethren. Therefore he explains, it is a non-starter. The same is true he feels with Neturei Karta. Now, if the other chareidim will join, then ultimately, the state will learn the attempts to draft chareidim is a non-starter as well.

Hirsh used the media coverage to stress how he and those following the Neturei Karta path are correct, as a growing number of chareidim Yidden are realizing today. He feels that the efforts by the current administration to draft bnei yeshivos only serve to drive this point home, and it has resulted in unprecedented achdus among chareidim. Hirsh is confident that if the laws are passed, all the chareidim will understand what he and others like him have understood for years, yearning for the return of “Palestinian rule in all of Eretz Yisrael”. He feels that only if and when the situation returns to the pre-1948 days will there be true religious freedom for Jews in Eretz Yisrael.

When asked how yeshivos will be funded if the government cuts funding as appears will be the case, Hirsh stated that he believes many yeshivos will receive funding from the same source his mosdos receive, for once askanim realize they have cut ties with “the Zionist regime” then they too will receive funds.

Hirsh remains optimistic and pleased that after over 65 years all the chareidim are now seeing the Zionist agenda has never been anything other than eliminating the Torah way of life, and today, this should be clear to all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. Note his support for non-violent resistance. However what is likely to happen, especially since the arrests will be mass arrests (reminding people of what an infamous “aktion” of 70 years ago), is that the same people who go around throwing diapers and lighting fires in trash cans will turn to much more violent means of protest.

    Also, once the zionists start rounding up yeshiva students, it will be more than a fringe group willing to say that an Islamic state is preferable to a zionist state. HOWEVER this is unlikely to pass, since the two right-wing parties that don’t share Lapid’s anti-Torah haskafa will act to stop the conscription of yeshiva students, probably by ending conscription and professionalizing the army.

  2. Rabbi Hirsh is an example of how not to be a Jew: extreme. Rambam warns us to follow the middle path. Pirkei Avot tell us to love work and study Torah.

    Who needs his advice?

  3. One can only daven that Hirsh and the other NK garbage who openly work with the terrorists such as Iran and other sworn enemies of EY will suffer a painful outcome and any chareidi leaders who join with the NK will suffer the same fate.

  4. If Hirsh and his fellow travelers yearn so much for Palestinian rule, let them have it. And they don’t even need to go too far from where they are now. A half hour’s drive will get them to Ramallah; its still in E’Y, they can live there with the same kedusha. Or perhaps they can go to Gaza; they might find the fundamentalist government more to their liking, supported as it is by their friends in Iran.

    I give them a tiny bit of credit for not taking govt funds for their institutions, but every time they walk on a public street; every time an NK family gets cancer treatment at an Israeli hospital; every time they use the postage system; every time they need the fire department; every time they drive or travel, every day that passes that they are not blown up by suicide bombers like they were on March 2, 2002 and August 19, 2003, they are using or benefiting that which is paid for by the non NK they despise, and administered by the government they hate.

    Because of this, Hirsh is that cardinal sinner of the 21st century – he is a hypocrite, and that is an unforgivable offense in a world where everyone can see and hear what you do, and where your public pronouncements need to exactly match your private actions.

    This is just one more NK power play for leadership in the chareidi world – and that is where most of their resentment comes from, their lack of power and influence beyond their cloistered streets. It is a cynical bit of leverage politics that these “heilige” NK leaders are playing with a chareidi public that is sincerely grappling with an untenable economic status quo and a government that is “threatening” their unsustainable way of life.

  5. “Gadolhadorah ” – you should be careful who you curse – many of the leading memebers of zionist parties are also our “sworn enemies” — we should hope for them to do tsuvah

  6. “yearning for the “return of Palestinian” rule in all of Eretz Yisrael”. I think we rather yearn for the return of a True Torah leading ruling by Moshiach tzidkeinu. A Palestinian ruling doesn’t solve all the issues, altouhg it it might savor our neshoma; as Satmar Rebbe says in Saifer “Al Hagula” אלה ברצחנימו(“they with their murderous acts”) referring to the Arabs. However the zionist “in any form” are murderers of the soul (which is worse), As the religious Zionists have recently shown their inner feelings toward the Chareidim. And it turns out that their lovely phrase of “ישראל אף על פי שחטא” only applies to anyone who is a koifer be’eloky yisroel that has אמונה בציונים.

  7. I don’t believe any of the Tzionim have engaged in the disgusting actions of these dreche who openly embrace those who have denied the Shoah and would use chemical and nuclear weapons on EY if given the chance. I can respectfully disagree with some of the right wing elements of the Chareidi parties but these NK and any of their followers deserve no respect. They’ve been given the opportunity to renounce their support for the terrorists but only seem to move closer to them. There are no tzionists who threaten the existence of yiddeshkeit

  8. This man stands behind a podium in front of a poster of Ismail Henia, Shem Reshaim Yirkav,an indiscriminate murderer of Jews who leads an organization whose charter states “The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!” I don’t know why this mechalel Shem Shamayim Hirsch is given the title “Rabbi” in this article, I’m not even sure why this is news at all. This man does not stand for Torah, he stands for a delusional and dogmatic fanaticism that endangers and disgraces all Jews regardless of affiliation.

  9. That disgusting excuse for a human being participated in Iran, for a holocaust denial rally, even as Iran threatens another one (G-d forbid).. A real Jew could never do such a thing.

  10. Yasher Koach to HaRav Yisrael Meir Hirsh shlit”a for defending Torah values and standing up for the Bnei Torah who are facing a battle initiated by the Zionists who wish to yank them away from Limud Torah and induct them into their secular value system.

    May the RBS”O give strength to the Rabbonim shlit”a in their quest to overturn this gezeira ra and bring about complete regime change in the Holy Land.

  11. to whomever said “To the terrorists, he’s just a useful idiot. They would dispose of him if they had no need for him.”

    That’s what Lapid says. We are just useful idiots. We were cover when they had to pass off Israel as a Jewish state, but now it wants to be known for high tech and the sorts of entertainment we don’t discuss on YWN. Since they don’t need us anymore, they want to dispose of us.

  12. #15- While agree with NK that the zionists are on a path to destruction and are taking everyone with them, NK is wrong for supporting a Palestinian State since small bi-national states tend to be unstable. The best solution would be a large Islamic Federation, including at least all the Arabs, and probably the Turks, Iranians, and Pakistanis. Under such an arrangement, minorities cease to be a threat and tend to become quaint.

    Compare, as example, the status of French speakers in Canada and Belgium, which are full of tension since they are a significant percent of the country. On the other hand, the small French speaking groups in the USA (the “Cajuns” in Louisiana) or in the UK (on several French speaking islands in the channel) are totally tolerated since they don’t threaten the government. The only stable solution is for Israel to be a small part of a unified peaceful middle east – anything else will eventually lead to us getting clobbered sooner or later. Thus the zionist policy of seeking continued hostility towards the Muslims, and trying to be super-western and super-secular, are counter-productive.

  13. akuperma,

    You are so filled with hate of zionists that you do not think rationally. It’s not that I agree with Lapid, but defending people that have hated and persecuted us for centuries – well before the zionists stirred up more problems – is crazy. Your defending NK puts you in the camp of Jew haters, people that vow our destruction.

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