Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY”D: A Hero in Life and Death [VIDEOS]

At the beginning of the levaya for terror victim Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY”D, the 47-year-old husband, father of 12 and well-known educator murdered by an Arab terrorist at Ariel Junction, the following hesped was heard.

The hesped was given by Nadav Arbel a brother-in-law of the Rav, who thanked EMS and hospital personnel, as well as Am Yisrael for the teffilos since the attack.

Nadav adds that since the attack they learned that Achiad died like a hero, which is how he lived. After being stabbed by the attacker, he managed to fire off four shots from his pistol, hoping to prevent additional loss of life.


In the video below, we see the niftar as he worked to bring in funds for a yeshiva in the southern Tel Aviv N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood, as mentioned in the hesped above.

Nadav explains Achiad and his family were no strangers to mesirus nefesh, as was the case when they relocated to southern Tel Aviv’s N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood to give a chizuk to the yeshiva and efforts to resettle the area as seen in the video below.

The rav and his family continue today, following the same path to assist others, as they decided he will be an organ donor towards assisting and saving others.

Nadav concludes that it is hoped the tragic events will lead to achdus among Am Yisrael, which will be followed by a great simcha.

The levaya began in Yishuv Eli with this hesped, then making its way on Route 60 to the site of the fatal attack, Ariel Junction. From there, the procession continued on the Trans Samaria Highway to the Segulah Cemetery in Petach Tikvah, where the rav was interred.

יהי זכרו ברוך

Image result for ettinger family
Terror victim Rabbi Achiad Ettinger H”YD with his wife and children

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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