Threw construction workers were killed and another two seriously injured in different accidents that occurred at construction sites around Israel on Sunday. Since the beginning of the calendar year of 2019, some 18 construction workers have been killed and another 34 injured, eight of them seriously.
Pahad Yusef Genimat (38) a resident of Hebron was crushed by a forklift on Sunday morning at a construction site in Netivot where he was working. Teams from United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom arrived to treat Genimat, but there was nothing for them to do except pronounce his death at the scene. Police opened an investigation into the circumstances of the incident.
A few hours later, in the early afternoon, two workers in their 20s fell from the seventh floor in a high-rise construction project in the town of Harish. Once again, volunteers from United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom responded.
One of the two men who fell, Daman Tartur (25) from Reineh, an Arab Israeli town near Nazareth, was killed at the scene, while his co-worker was transported to Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera. The co-worker suffered from a full system injury. The hospital later reported that the worker, Amin Nasser Basul, also from Reineh, passed away due to his injuries. Likewise, police opened an investigation into the incident.
in a separate incident, a 30-year-old construction worker fell four meters at his construction site in the town of Ramot and was seriously injured. United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom teams treated the man and then transported him to Beilinson hospital for further care. The worker suffered from a severe head wound.
In yet another incident, a worker fell a meter and a half at a construction site in Herzliya and was treated by UH and MDA teams before being transported to Ichilov hospital. He too suffered from a serious head wound but was listed as being in moderate condition.
Reuven Ben Shimon who is part of the Forum for Prevention of Accidents in the Workplace spoke about the wave of accidents that took place on Sunday and said: “Minister Chaim Katz is silent in light of his personal failures and head of the Histadrut Avi Nissenkorn for his part only threatened a to strike until he swept away a lot of political capital and made a deal with the Finance Minister but did not deal with the root of the problem of workplace safety.”
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)