ANIMALS: Palestinians Celebrated Deadly Terror Attack in Ariel [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Following the terror attack on Sunday morning in Ariel in which two Israelis were murdered, Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the deaths of Jews and the injuring of others.

According to a video tweeted by the Palestinian Information Center, an Arabic news site, Palestinians celebrated by passing out sweets in Southern Gaza. Numerous human rights activists took to Twitter and questioned where the outrage from the world was at such blatant support for terror and displays of anti-Semitism.

The further the news of the attack spread, the further the celebrations spread.  Gazans wearing scarfs bearing the names of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups began handing out candies and pastries to locals in Khan Yunis and Rafah in celebration.

Hamas officially supported the attacks and deemed them “heroic” responses “to the crimes of the occupation and what is happening in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa.”

The United States government was one of the few that spoke out and condemned the attacks. they also condemned the responses by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

White House special envoy Jason Greenblatt tweeted Sunday afternoon: “We condemn today’s brutal attack by a Palestinian terrorist who murdered at least 1 Israeli & injured others near Ariel.”

“Disgustingly, but not surprisingly, Hamas & PIJ welcomed the attack & no doubt the Palestinian Authority will reward the terrorist under its pay for slay policy. I’m praying for the families of the victims & a speedy recovery for the injured.”

The victims in the attack were IDF Lt. Gal Keidan HY”D, 19, from Beersheva. His levaya took place today on Monday morning in Beersheva. The second victim was critically injured and was Niftar on Monday – Yishuv Eli resident Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY”D. The Levaya was taking place on Monday afternoon in Eli.

A Chesed Fund has been established to help Rav Ettinger’s family through this difficult time.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Amil Zola, are any of these “modern” peaceful Muslims your next door neighbors by any chance? Do you recognize any of them from the group of Muslims who “guarder” the Tree Of Life temple in Pittsburgh after the shooting?

  2. Warning to YWN headline writers: “Animals” is what Nazis and other anti-Semites call Jews. The actions of the murderers and their celebrants are heinous and despicable, but calling people “animals” is a start down a very slippery slope of dehumanization that has been practiced against Jews for thousands of years.

  3. Warning to huju: “peaceful” Muslims who murder incontinent Jews and then celebrate on the streets are called “Animals”, sorry for offending animals.

  4. Perhaps “animals” is too kind. These are subhuman savages who are consumed with being bloodthirsty. I propose calling them carcasses that still breathe. May every one of these bloodthirsty savages suffer the most suffering and disgusting deaths.

  5. No one knows about this because it’s not reported in the mainstream news in the U.S. or anywhere else outside Israel.

  6. Perhaps Huju is right. We shouldn’t call people animals. Savages would be a more appropriate term. However, Savages never celebrated killing other human beings,they only murdered to fulfill their own desires, as in eating their vicims.


  7. Curious, I didn’t hear of Jews in Ariel celebrating the killings in New Zealand! On the contrary, JEWS of Pittsburgh were raising funds and feeding sorry for the muslims in New Zealand. Something tells me that there are differences between the two types!

  8. Huju,

    You’re right. YWN has to apologize to the animals of the wild for insulting them. Are you insane?! These are sick demented animals, take a look – from infancy all the way to old people are all celebrating human deaths. That is way worse than animals who just kill to survive. These- animals – thirst for Jewish blood.

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