Chief Rabbinate Official In The Batei Din Angered At Avigdor Lieberman’s Campaign Of Lies

A senior official connected to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Batei Din is quoted expressing anger over the campaign containing lies that was launched by the chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu party, MK Avigdor Lieberman, whose campaign has, in a large way, focused on attacking the chareidi tzibur.

In his latest statement, Lieberman insisted that immigrants from the Former Soviet Union are compelled to give a DNA sample at the Rabbinate, while no one else, no immigrants from any other country, are asked to do the same. He slams the “hostile takeover of the Chief Rabbinate by the chareidim” and the need to bring it to an end, by voting for his party.

Kikar Shabbos News quotes the “senior official” anonymously, a response to the campaign of lies that seeks to paint the Chief Rabbinate in a bad light, as being discriminatory against one group of immigrants over others. The official is quoted explaining, “Anyone coming to the Rabbinate, asking to be recognized as a Jew, must present proof. We prefer documents and family members, but in a case where there are no other proofs, then a DNA test can provide a solution, but no one is compelled to undergo a DNA test. It is nothing more than lies and slogans.

“This is nothing more than the political campaign of lies of Lieberman, who [polls show being] below the minimum threshold [to enter Knesset]. The official saw the report quoting Lieberman in Yediot Achronot, stating immigrants from the FSU must take a DNA exam, and this is simply a lie.

“The ITIM organization, which is determined to destroy the Chief Rabbinate, joined his campaign.”

As a result of Deri’s statements at an Ashdod election rally, a large protest is planned outside Interior Minister Aryeh Deri’s Jerusalem home this coming motzei Shabbos, which according to the סימן שאתה רוסי Facebook page, already includes 450 public officials from the Russian-speaking community.

Deri announced that this time around, Shas will not make do with just the Interior Ministry, but will seek the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption too, adding “This will not be a ministry that remains in Russian hands exclusively,” as it was in Yisrael Beitenu control in the last Knessets. Deri added one cannot move around in the offices of that ministry if one does not know Russian, and Shas will see to it that the many immigrants from France and Ethiopia will have persons speaking their language in the ministry.

There is a large population of immigrants from Russia in Ashdod, and this seems to have prompted the rally, which provides significant fuel for Lieberman’s election campaign.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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