Two Chareidim were almost on the doomed Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed on Sunday, killing 157 people – including two Israelis.
According to Walla News, Yisroel Mozeson and Shraga Israel – two Israeli infrastructure and agricultural entrepreneurs working in Africa – were saved from the fatal crash.
Speaking to BeChadrei Chareidim, Mozeson who is a Gerrer Chosid said “We were supposed to fly from Israel to Addis Ababa on Motzei Shabbos and from there to Nairobi, Kenya. Because of delays caused by business reasons in Israel, we realized that we could not board the flight to Addis Ababa and from there the connecting flight to Nairobi. Instead we rescheduled our trip for Monday.”
“This morning in the middle of a business meeting I got the message that the plane crashed on African soil, and after a few seconds, I realized I was supposed to be on the flight. Only because of this am I able to speak with you now.”
He added “I plan on reciting the Birchas Hagomel tomorrow, and making a big Kiddush this coming Shabbos.
[Greek Man Saved From Doomed Flight Because He Was Running 2 Minutes Late]
Meanwhile, ZAKA said in a statement that two of its teams — one based in Israel and the other in South Africa — will depart for the East African country at 12:00AM Monday.
“Our teams, which are leaving tonight, will make every effort to locate the bodies of the Israelis and bring them home for burial,” ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav wrote on Twitter.
“Unfortunately, in our vast experience assisting in these types of tragedies around the world, we have acquired a great deal of professionalism in responding to such incidents.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
18 Responses
I plan on reciting the Birchas Hagomel tomorrow, and making a big Kiddush this coming Shabbos. Notwithstanding his jubilation and elation and miSheNichnas Adar Marbin b’Simcha, he does not Halachically Bensch Gomel. Of-course sponsoring his Kiddusch is just fine.
That’s an amazing story and incredible hashgacha pratis but if I’m wondering if he can actually bentch hagomel as he wasn’t actually on the plane.
I suppose if he goes through with the trip as planned he will need to bentch hagomel anyway so can just have in mind this as well.
“I plan on reciting the Birchas Hagomel tomorrow … ”
Better brace ourselves for a barrage from YWN’s barrack-room halachists.
beracha le’vatalah. kiddush, why not
Gomel, fine. Kiddush, not so fine. Instead find reason in why you were saved.
A seudas ho’dayah is certainly a wonderful way to publicize the chasdei HaShem that these two Yidden witnessed in their lives. It is not clear, however, if birkas hagomel should be recited since they were never directly in danger.
I hope he consults with his Rav before saying birkas hagomel with Shem u’Malchus.
you are such dumb ppl all of you! He will recite Birchas Hagomel without shem hamulchus!!
LOL….based on the some of the comments above from our resident CR poskim, this poor yid is at risk of losing his chelek of olam haboh because he might have wanted to bench gomel. Gevalt!! At the same time, so tragic about the others who were niftar on this flight. Also scary is the decision by the FAA not to ground this new version of the Boeing 737 until they figure out why this flight and the recent Malaysian flight using the same aircraft crashed.
WarinIsrael; calm down!
Correction: Recent Indonesian flight that crashed. There are 3 big American carriers (SouthWest, UAl and AA) that are flying these planes and insist they are safe. Could have been pilot error but would you want to take the risk……
he says hagomel for traveling back home on the next flight
This reminds me of the story they say with Rav Bick, supposedly someone asked him a shayla that he was standing on a street corner and the minute he walked away from that spot, 2 cars crashed into each other on the exact spot he was standing in and he wanted to know if he should bentch Gomel. Rav Bick Answered him that if in the morning when you take off your pajama pants and put it on the window sill, if it slipped out the window, maybe you should bench Gomel because a minute ago you were inside those pants…
Muttar to say hagoimel with Shem malchus!!!!!
Of course he HAS to make birkas Hagomel ANYWAYS since he going back to israel overseas with an airplane, but now he will have in mind a greater appreciation once he get and has a safe flight!…
It’s so nice, and impressive, that so many season poskim are able to weigh in on this interesting halachic issue on a YWN article comments section. Mi k’amcha yisroel!
WARINISRAEL before you start calling everyone dumb read this excerpt from the article. “He added “I plan on reciting the Birchas Hagomel tomorrow, and making a big Kiddush this coming Shabbos.” Note he says he plans on reciting Birchas Hagomel and it does NOT say he will do it without Shem Hamalchus!! @ laughing, what’s wrong with him making a kiddush??
YW fan – my apologies – I had listened to an interview with him – and he mentioned he will be reciting Birchas Hagomel without shem hamalchus – I guess I took it for granted you all knew