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Israeli Security Remains High Ahead of Pesach

idf checkpoint2.jpgSecurity agencies remain on high alert ahead of Pesach, fearing terror organization will make every effort to perpetrate major attacks.

Israel Police remains on heightened alert status, with senior commanders calling on citizens to exhibit vigilance and report anyone or anything suspicious to police without hesitation.

Tensions are running high around the country following a day of bloodshed on Wednesday in which three Givati Brigade soldiers were killed and three others wounded. Terrorists fired at least 32 Kassam rockets into southern Israel, as well as mortar rockets.

In IDF retaliatory raids and stepped-up counter-terror measures, the air forces launched numerous raids, leading to the deaths of 18 terrorists and civilians in Gaza.

In response, the Palestinian Authority has declared Thursday a day of mourning, a move that will most likely further inflame the situation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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