Former Chief Rabbi Metzger Described Prison Life, Using His Time For Limud Torah

Former chief rabbi Yona Metzger leaves Ma'asiyahu Prison after serving his bribery sentence

Former Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger was released from prison after serving 22 months of his sentence, as was reported last week by YWN-Israel.

Rav Metzger was interviewed by the media, during which time he explained he lost 33 kilograms (72 pounds) during his incarceration, which is visible from the photos of him upon his release.

Netai Anabi of Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) spoke with the rabbi, who explained the garment he wore upon leaving prison had not fit him for twenty years.

Rabbi Metzger added, “I studied Torah as I never did in my life. I completed all of Shas, and it was very difficult. I completed Shas Mishnayos one and a half times, and all of Shulchan Aruch 1.5 times are well. I also read books, using my time to the utmost”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. That’s all terrific, but shouldn’t he be talking more about the chillul Hashem and gneiva and he should be doing tshuva on?

  2. Not very responsible of ywn to publicize his comments…It comes across as if he is saying that it’s kedai (worthwhile) to be incarcerated for illegalities , because this situation allows you to learn better!!! Seems like a pretty warped logic?????

  3. Yonah Metzger is a disgrace to all of observant Judaism. It is a disgrace that he engages in unabashed self-glorification of his mitzvos she’ba’u ba’aveirah while in jail. It is a disgrace that he was allowed to enter into the great Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita’s presence.

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