TRAGEDY: Jerusalem Truck Driver R”L Crushed to Death By His Own Truck in Har Nof

A truck driver was R”L crushed to death by the movable rear ramp of his vehicle on Katzenelbogen Street in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon.

United Hatzalah EMT Michael Gruskot who was one of the first responders at the scene said: “When I arrived at the scene on my ambucycle, I saw the truck driver, a man in his early 20s pinned against the wall of the yeshiva after his truck had pinned him there. He was in critical condition. Firefighters worked to extricate the driver from the truck. After he was extricated, he was pronounced dead at the scene.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: צילום: אורי דיוויס & כב”ה מחוז ירושלים )

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