MK Moses Accuses Lapid of Badmouthing Chareidim

lapidMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Menachem Eliezer Moses in Knesset on Wednesday, 13 Sivan 5773 accused Finance Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) of singling out the chareidim. Moses stated Lapid uses “slogans that blind the public”, explaining he simply uses clichés that paint the entire tzibur in a negative light.

Moses quoted data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, citing there are 245,000 unemployed Israelis vying for 62,600 jobs. This number he explained represents 6.7% of the workforce.

Drawing a comparison with the general population, Moses added 60% of chareidi women work as compared to 80% in the general population. 45% of chareidi men are employed compared to 85% in the general population. Moses explained that in order for the chareidi sector to be on the same level as the general population, jobs must be created for 100,000 chareidim and that number is in addition to the 245,000 unemployed Israelis. This he pointed out does not even begin to address the Arab sector. Therefore he points out, before all the hype and clichés, the government has to create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Moses questions the wisdom and justification of levying sanctions against the unemployed when there is no work available for them.

Responding on behalf of the cabinet was Deputy Finance Minister (Yesh Atid) Mickey Levy, who warned “if the chareidim do not begin working the economy will collapse.” Levy added all honest work is honorable, and the problem is not a lack of jobs. The deputy minister added there is a shortage of construction, agricultural and metal workers as well as a shortage of manpower in the computer industry. He feels that if chareidim receive the appropriate training there is sufficient work for them.

Levy added that the cabinet back in 2010 set a goal that 63% of chareidi men will be employed by 2020. The government has established vocational programs to make achieving this goal realistic, Levy added, explaining that is why the cabinet is cutting monthly government assistance and redefining eligibility criteria for benefits, towards encouraging and compelling people to get out and work.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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