TRAINING EM YOUNG! Satmar Cheder in Bnei Brak “Hafganah” Against Elections [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

The attached images were taken on Wednesday at the Satmar Cheder in Bnei Brak.

The children were dressed in sackcloth, and were trained in the “Vai Geshrai” – the “Ge’Vaaald!” which is customary to be used in protests.

The Cheder was protesting the upcoming national elections.

Satmar trains their youth from a young age to be vehemently anti-Zionist, in line with the Shita of the Satmar Rov, Hagaon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum ZATZAL.

Recent trainings include the Satmar Cheder in Lakewood, a Satmar camp in Williamsburg – where the children were given eggs and taught to throw them at a mock vehicle carrying an Israeli Prime Minister, as well as a Tisha B’Av demonstration in a Satmar camp in Napanoch, NY.

VIDEO & PHOTOS VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים

16 Responses

  1. Everyone trains their youth according to their ideology. The anti-religious seculars do it, the dati-leumi do it. I’m sure YOU do it too. Do you expect them not to train them to follow their ideology? We could take issue with teaching kids in the U.S.A. about the state of Israel — something that may probably never affect them directly, and certainly thowing eggs is reprehensible. But, the overall idea of training their youth is not such a shocker.

  2. Umm…..perhaps instead of childish (literally) pretend hafganot, they could maybe focus on….I dont know….mitzvot, like tzitzit. As far as I can tell, the (burlap?) Smocks look like they might require tzitzit, but dont seem to have any. (The kids ARE wearing their own, under their clothes it seems)

  3. This is not lashon hara as this reveals satmar IS neturei karta and it warns potential donors. It also alerts us as satmar grows including america does it increase sakana for millions of yidden in erets yisroel! In response other chassidim must act piblicly to clear chassidus name! Chassidism itself may be just 100 years younger than zionism! Might a misnagid argue if this is another halacha chassidim trample on besides smanei shachris and mincha and the possible deitization of the rebbe giving him limousines and car escorts wherever he goes! Now also chilul hashem and sonai yisroel and mesayaya the enemies of am yisroel in erets yisroel!

  4. Satmar remind me of those stories when they find Japanese soldiers in their old age left on these remote islands in the Pacific who think the WW2 is still going on. Someone needs to tell these Stamar sheep that they lost the war. The “Zionists” they are fighting have long, long since gone. The Medinah they wanted to strangle is doing B”H very well. Most of the Torah being learnt today is being done in EY and more Torah is being learnt here than any time since the Torah was given. Most of the senior Poskim and Rabbanoim are in EY and the frum Torah leadership have sent their representatives to sit in the Kennest. So protest until you turn blue, Satmar ערב רב, you’re wasting your time.
    But what’s really sad, is that they’re teaching their special brand of hate – where half of Satmar hates the other half – and to their fellow Yidden to another generation of children,. Nebach….

  5. All these sickos are accomplishing is fortifying the # of non-religious in the Knesset, and taking on responsibility for more Chillul Shabbos in Israel R’L. Godol Avvonom Mi’Nesso.

  6. There’s one born every minute, I suppose.
    How can you live in a country and not want a say in how it’s governed?

  7. Sad abuse of Tzon Kodshim, teaching professional thuggery to innocent kids.
    OK, so Satmar has its commitment to anti-Zionism, but leave that out of the chinuch of the pure innocent children and let them grow in Torah and Middos Tovos. The violence and noise at these demonstrations is nothing to do with Torah and Kedusha. When HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum zatzal was asked why he was Rebbe to so many wild hooligans who have sadly attached themselves to the great dynasty of Satmar and call themselves Satmar Chasidim, he replied that he does what he can to keep them in check. Left alone, there is no knowing what wild nonsense they would get up to. Sadly, he is no longer with us and his fears are now spelling themselves out. Leave the kids alone and let them get back to their Chumashim and Mishnayos. Shame on you who call yourselves mechanchim when you are not doing what the Torah Hakedosha expects from you!

  8. You can disagree with the political right or left or simply be politically agnostic, but those who abusively instill in these little children a hatred of the medinah and the millions of yidden who support the medinah where they live and provides them security have a special place in gehenom along with the NK and similiar hate groups. At at time that yidden around the world are under attack and at risk, the need for EY to serve as a point of safety is paramount and we can only wish the worst outcomes for the adults in these photos mentally abusing these kids.

  9. I’m not at all Satmar, but I respect Frum Jews that are true to their beliefs and have conviction. That said, I find it’s very unfortunate that such young children are taught to differentiate between type of Jews. We have had plenty of enemies. Why create new ones from fellow Jews? The differences in chashkafa are too nuanced for young minds. Educate them to love Klal Yisrael, Torat Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Give them a strong foundation of Tanach, Gemara, Halacha and Mussar. Only then they can approach the subject, openly and honestly. If the shita of the Satmar Rov zt”l, is truly grounded in Torah and Yeirat Shamayim, most of them will embrace it.

  10. “in line with the Shita of the Satmar Rov, Hagaon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum ZATZAL.”

    Respect is not reflected by giving titles. You want to respect his memory don’t blame him for the lunacy that is done falsely in his name. You imply children throwing eggs, or even protesting, was condoned? I had occasion once to look up, for example, the students who were publicly kicked out of the Satmar Yeshiva by the Rebbe for havong attended demonstrations against Israel.

  11. Baruch Hashem. There will be tens and tens of thousands more Yidden defending Torah Yiddishkeit against the secular zionism that attacks Klal Yisroel and its Torah.

  12. B”H the Satmar don’t vote and the Eitz-nikikim don’t vote. They aren’t silent but at least their haskafa (or lack thereof) does not affect normal life in EY. Their demonstrations are seen and heard but have no effect b”H.

  13. Yasher Koach to YWN for sharing these beautiful pictures and this story of yiddishe kinderlach being brought up l’sheim shamayim and making a tremendous kiddush Hashem.

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