100s Are Mispallel At The Kever Of Natan HaNavi And Gad

Hundreds of mispallalim visited the kevarim of Natan HaNavi and Gad, located inside the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Halhul, known to be a hostile village located south of Gush Etzion, along Route 60 towards Hebron.

The mispallalim were escorted by the IDF and border police, and B’chasdei Hashem, the visit passed without incident.

The actual kevarim are located inside a mosque, so the mispallalim remained outside, next to the mosque.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Well, I mean, it depends what you call an incident. I guess heavy rock-throwing and the cops using flashbangs on the Arabs doesn’t count?

  2. Is someone writing this possibly not familiar with his Tanakh (even if he mentions it frequently in tachanun)? Mentioning two nevi-im, one with title and one without, could give some the impression that it is Gad ben Yaakov. I’m pretty sure that it this the kever of Gad haChozeh, the navi, contemporary of Nasan, David and Sh’lomo, who appears earlier in Sefer Sh’muel, and then again later (also in Divrei haYamim), to offer David haMelekh the three-way choice after he counted the people.

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