Ilhan Omar Strikes Out With Latest Antisemitic Tirade

With her comment over the weekend that those who supported Israel were being loyal to a foreign government, Rep. Ilhan Omar doubled, no, tripled down on her earlier series of antisemitic tweets. Although repudiation came quickly this time from the likes of Eliot Engel, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Jewish groups and leaders are calling for Omar to be removed from her appointment. “It’s not enough to condemn her week after week only to elicit false apologies when we know Omar believes every word of her statements,” said former assemblyman, and chairman of the Coalition for a Positive America, Dov Hikind. “I’m calling on Eliot Engel and House Leader Nancy Pelosi to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee, because she’s had not one, or two, but at least three strikes that have shown her to be unbecoming of her committee appointment and untrustworthy with its dealings.”

According to Hikind, “the problem and danger with Omar isn’t her criticism of Israel but her demonization and distortion of it. First, Jews hypnotized the world, charging them with the age-old trope of Jewish sorcery. Second, Jewish ‘Benjamins’, namely from AIPAC were ‘controlling congress’, or in more classical terms, Jews dominate the world financially. Third, Jews are the only people who have dual loyalty, a perpetual fifth-column. These are not innocent mistakes of statements, but deliberately designed antisemitic propaganda that’s as old as the blood-soaked earth of Europe only repackaged and made palatable for a modern audience.”

Thus far, Democrats like Engel have condemned Omar, but none have called for her removal from committee. “It’s time for the Democrats to wake up before their train flies off the rails at a point of no return,” warned Hikind. “It’s for their own good. The Jews will be fine.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Wishful thinking. Democrats will protect her at all cost with phony ‘condemnation’. Most Democrats share her views, just too cowardly to express them in open.

  2. The problem is all the Democrats/Liberals in Congress are afraid they’ll upset her so they make an statement and go back to their own thing. The bigger problem is all the askonim have their own agenda and keep pushing to keep these two faced politicians in office.

  3. where is the “shomer yisroel” Chuck Schumer he can get his puppet Pelosi to remove her from the committee that decides Israel funding.

  4. Chuck Schumer is no Shomer Yisrael. He is a Capo aligned with the Democrats, plain and simple. He takes pleasure in undermining Jewery and insidiously pushing forward the Dem’s radical progressive agenda of immorality, communism, and totalitarianism.

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