VIDEO: Chareidim Protest Against Induction of Women at IDF Central Induction Center

Chareidim on Sunday morning held a protest outside the IDF Tel Hashomer induction base, protesting the drafting of women into the military.

In an accompanying photo, an elderly chareidi man is seen holding a poster which reads, “Even if put us in front of a firing squad, we will not serve in the army”.

There have recently been a number of cases in which girls who have become Frum over the years have been inducted, as the decision-makers in the IDF decided that they are not truly leading a religious lifestyle, but are simply acting as if they are to avoid military service. In some cases, women have been jailed over their refusal to be inducted, simply remaining in jail, hoping they will be released.

In December 2018, YWN-Israel reported about one girl, Rivka Hadjadj, who was arrested at Ben-Gurion Airport for not reporting to military service. She comes from a Chabad family, and because of some Facebook posts during a period she left a frum lifestyle, which she has returned to years ago, the military insisted she is not Shomer Shabbos and mitzvos, and she was arrested and jailed.

It should be noted that there are confirmed cases where girls that are totally irreligious are using the excuse that they are “Frum” to avoid being drafted. There have also been cases of violent protests that were held on behalf of girls that turned out to be not Frum in the least. Some of those very same girls would literally be called “Shiksa” and spit upon (literally) by some of the very same protesters should they walk through Meah Shearim dressed the way they have been confirmed to dress all the time.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit:” “מחאות החרדים הקיצונים)

14 Responses

  1. According to the Torah, women do not serve in the army, due to Tznius, whether they’re Frum or not.

    When the Jews fought a Milchemes Mitzvah, only the men fought.

    So which point is YWN trying to make, with the last paragraph in the above article?

  2. it is sad to watch such a display of ignorance. rak am navon is made a mockery of by such language. with ganz and lapd, the real show will start. we can visit litzman, deri and bibi in adjacent cells.

  3. Re: “It should be noted that there are confirmed cases where girls that are totally irreligious are using the excuse that they are “Frum” to avoid being drafted.”

    Perhaps the “pintele yid” in these “irreligious” girls is motivating them — despite their non-kiyum of other mitzvos — to want to avoid the low standard of morality which unfortunately prevails in mixed-gender army bases

  4. It’s יהרג ואל יעבור even for “non-frum” women to serve in the army. We should and must protest any female who the army is attempting to draft. The ban on drafting women is halachicly not only applicable to frum women.

  5. This is the most despicable article yet by YWN. Are you working for the military? There are absolutely many cases of women who are properly frum who have been harassed, tricked, and arrested by the military who has orders to get as many women as possible into the IDF. This clearly is a Zionist web site and you need to stop calling yourselves Yeshiva anything.

    Moderators Note: Very Zionist. Very very. VERY Zionist.

  6. Yeshiva World News needs to be put in Cherem. Look at this article. It’s a propaganda piece for the military. There are absolutely many cases of women who are properly frum who have been harassed, tricked, arrested, and abused by the military which has orders to get as many Charedi women as possible into the IDF.

    Kol Demama tells the story of one woman and how the draft office went to elaborate lengths to trick her into appearing in public in some manner of immodest dress. They had previously accused her of dressing immodestly so as to warrant her being drafted, but when she asked for evidence, they supplied photos of an entirely different person. Then she received multiple phone calls from a man who said he had a delivery of flowers for her and that she should come downstairs right away. She did so but found no one. This happened multiple times. After that, she was summoned to the draft office. She tells the rest of the story, “When I entered the room, I noticed that the table was covered with photographs, and when I looked closer, I saw that they were photos of my mother and I, waiting outside our building on that Friday, waiting for flowers that never arrived. I realized that they had been trying to trap me, hoping that maybe early in the morning, or just before Shabbos, I would run down to the entrance not properly dressed because I was in a rush, and then they would have their ‘evidence’ against me.” This woman received her exemption in the end which shows that the draft office was harnessing a properly frum young woman.

    YWN is portraying the military as having only good intentions and the girls as being fraudulent. This clearly is a Zionist web site and needs to stop calling itself Yeshiva anything.

    Moderators Response: “Yeshiva World News needs to be put in Cherem”


  7. Beautiful example of chutzpah on the mods part.
    You should realize how dowright uchy it is to be so gaavadik.
    Gross. Forget about what he said, she said, your display of gaavah is horrendous.

  8. “Moderators Note: Very Zionist. Very very. VERY Zionist.”

    So change your name. You are not in the yeshiva world. You are Modern Orthodox Dati leumi who disobey the Yeshivish gadolim. But since you are Zionists, it is your way to steal the identity of another.

    Charedi, yeshiva people, you might consider abandoning the site. You are supporting Zionists who side with the military over frum girls. How low we have sunk.

    Moderators Note: Let’s start with you. Please abandon. Unless of course you aren’t Chareidi “Yeshiva people”.

  9. A major issues here and in other political disputes between the Chareidi community and the state of Israel is that the editors/mods of YWN seem to be allergic to public Chareidi protests (“hafganot” — demonstrations). No other Jewish group in Israel receives such negative reporting of their public protests on this website. The dati-leumi (especially!), the disabled, Teva workers who are terminated from employment — basically, ANYONE but the Chareidim, get some kind of sympathetic treatment by Yeshiva World, that perhaps there is some merit in their taking to the streets.
    But, time after time, without fail, any public Chareidi protest is reported as negatively as possible. According to YWN, no Chareidi protests are justified if they take place outdoors. According to YWN doctrine, Chareidim can protest in the shuls and batei medrash with Tehillim and davening. and nothing more. Anything in the street– is deemed unacceptable, no matter what the issue is.
    It’s possible that the Chareid stance on many issues embarrasses certain people, who then respond with negative news reports.
    Quite obviously, the Chareidi tzibbur in Eretz Yisroel does not agree with YwN’s formulation.

  10. Where is bnei brak when girls are being forced to shmad.
    All the gedolim of previous generations said its yahareg velo yavor.
    Instead of going to meron maybe cry about giyous banos.
    Its all from the Eitzo amuka of osa zaken rasha

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