Brisker Bochrim Apprehend Thief Red-Handed on Friday Night

Bochrim of Yeshivas Brisk in Jerusalem over recent weeks have been targeted by a burglar, until this past Shabbos, when they apprehended him in the act.

On erev Shabbos, the bochrim decided to place a ‘shomer’ in the building on Ovadia Street in the hope of apprehending the thief. After Shabbos began, the suspect was observed near the building and he was later apprehended in the act in one of the dormitory apartments.

The bochrim asked a Posek what can be done with the thief on Shabbos, but as it happened, a non-Jewish man happened to come by and he summoned police, who subsequently placed the suspect in custody.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. First of all, no goy happened to show up. After they got the peak they went and found someone.
    Also, no Arab involved in the story at all. It was a philipino who called.
    Lastly, according to the psak there was no need for a goy.

    They held they guy in the dira and paraded everyone in the neighborhood in to see his face to stop him if they see him entering a building of theirs.

  2. What aspect of being mechalel Shabbos would have been implicated if they had summoned a police officer from the street without making a phone call …….

  3. The chofetz writes that saying lashon hara about unspecified people is lashon hara if you mentioned the yeshiva/institution they’re from because it puts the yeshiva/institution in a bad light.

  4. Ein Daas – and R’ Dovid bochrim are which yeshiva then…?

    85 – Their behavior was pretty appropriate as far as halacha and mentchlichkeit, which part was putting it in a bad light?

  5. RichardM and Syag Lchochma, Not everything is political I don’t disagree that R’ Dovid is also Brisk (I’m actually a talmid of Reb Avrom Shua) that’s not the point I just wanted the readers to know which Brisk YWN is referring to.

  6. If Rav Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik (aka R’ Dovid) , the rosh yeshiva of the Yeshivas Brisk in Gush Shemonim is not considered to be an authentic Brisker by the other Briskers than we have a bigger problem than some petty theft in the dorms. This goes to show that the “identity politics” of the Litvish are beginning to become even more entertaining than some long-standing Chassidish broigas.

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