WATCH: Chareidi Soldiers Attacked in Meah Shearim; Car Windshield Smashed

On Thursday night, Police had to come rescue three Chareidi Soldiers that came under attack from residents of Meah Shearim.

Israeli Police received a report that 3 soldiers who entered into the Jerusalem neighborhood of Meah Shearim, were attacked by passersby on the street. While the soldiers were walking, presumably residents, began cursing at them and calling them derisive names such as “Cradak”, Nazi” and other slurs.

Not wanting to get into a confrontation, the soldiers entered their vehicle.

Following this, the residents began throwing various objects at the car.

Police were dispatched to the scene and met up with the harassed soldiers and escorted their vehicle out of the neighborhood.

While the soldiers themselves were not physically injured, damage was caused to the car and the windshield was smashed.

Police investigators have began searching for those involved in the attack.

A police spokesperson issued a statement that read: “Israel’s Police will not allow any situation in which there is a hint of assault against anyone wearing a uniform. We will use all the force and tools at our disposal to discover the identities of those involved in these acts.”

21 Responses

  1. Ujm,

    You’re right.. and they also shouldn’t be stupid and be at dangerous places laying their lives on the line to help defend them. .. They should all just go home and let Mea Shearim defend itself.

  2. The attackers should be held in detention until after Pesach. Anyone looking to raise pidyon shvuyim money for them should be identified so they do not come steal our money under the guise as a mitzvah. If these bums are against going to the army, that’s one thing. Those who choose to go, with their own rabbinical guidance, are protecting these animals from being slaughtered by the Arabs who live quite close to them. The complete absence of hakoras hatov is a character trait more associated with Amalek than with Klal Yisroel. Perpetrators of violence should encounter the full brunt of the law, and no protektzia should interfere.

  3. 1) The article asserts that the soldiers are chareidi. They sure don’t look like they are. How do we know they are chareidim?
    2) Soldiers entering Meah Shearim should hardly expect a warm welcome, considering how staunchly anti-zionist that community is, and most especially with the increased tensions over the draft issue. Was this perhaps yet another intentional provocation designed to make chareidim look bad?
    3) While the video does reveal (hardly surprising) verbal assaults by chareidi residents, the only “attack” I see is by the one individual who, judging by his attire — blue jeans, parka. running shoes, white hoodie — is clearly NOT chareidi.

  4. ujm: they are citizens walking on a public street. They have every right to be there (it’s a public space and they aren’t breaking any laws) and there is no excuse for being violent towards them.

  5. Before entering Meah Shearim, the chareidi soldiers should request police escort. Of course they belong in Meah Shearim! They are chareidi!

  6. many times and most likely in this case soldiers walk thru meah shearim in order to either incite or to influence the mea shearim residence. thats a fact with evidence in the form of documents to back it up. as for you Ywn wow kudos to you your sooooooo oifklert and open minded… keep up the good work. in the times of the holocaust you would have been in the same gas chambers as these yerushalmis . i love how you and ami mag haltzich open minded, educated tunies

  7. People in Meah Shariim are totally disgusting! A. for allowing punks with ‘frum’ dress to act this way, and B. for being so anti the state that gives them the liberty to have a free opinion.

    I puke at these animals and applaud the soldiers and think more soldiers should go there and not retreat, but hold their ground until the police arrest and hopefully beat the hell out of the perverted protesters.

  8. Well one day one of these soldiers will feel threatened and a whole magazine of bullets will be delivered to the protesters. Just mentioning it.

  9. ujm – explain how soldiers with yarlmulkas are where “they don’t belong and are unwanted” anywhere in medinas yisroel. I think it may be vice versa. Those who attack soldiers are unwanted in Israel and should move to Gaza, Shchem or Lebanon.

    The fact of the matter is this is a tremendous chilul hashem and those who try to sanitize this disgusting behavior are no better.

    The war against the tziyoynim is over, all that there are today are Jews under siege and our enemies don’t ask if we are zionists first, just a Jew is good enough for them.

  10. Genuk shoin- The mere sight of a soldier with a yarlmulka is considered “incitement”? Do the radical crayzen attack every person they see with a different opinion as theirs? The mere sight of this is enough to incite violence? You know who that sounds like right? Remember the lynching in Ramallah? Ya…that’s a terrible position to take/defend.

  11. All these comments about provocations and set ups are just silly radical talking points. Hezbollah doesn’t as what sect your a part of or what your beliefs are, only if you are Jewish. The Nazis didn’t make those distinctions either. Hamas doesn’t. The PFLP doesn’t. The IRGC doesn’t ask either.

    It’s time to wake up and realize that all we have left is our unity. In a day and age where so many want us wiped from the world, tziyoyni/not tziyoyni, it makes no difference. Time to move on.

  12. Jewdisim and zionisim are
    synonymous with one another

    One end of the spectrum is yishuv ha eretz and the other end is about a blue
    and white flag

    Fact is we are all Zionist

    To try get some critical
    unity, we need to respect, the political and
    religious positions,just to our left
    and just to our right, of the
    position where we
    envisage ourselves to be holding

    Tolerance and respect for our fellow jew is the key to our Palestinian problems
    in the middle

  13. East and the rise in anti-Semitism ALL around the world

    Unity would resolve most
    of the world bias towards
    us from the press to the UN and from graffiti in Queens to the Hamas in Gaza

  14. The draft threatens the entire Charedi world and currently there are a dozen Charedi kids in prison. One was put in solitary confinement for 6 days. Oftentimes food and medical care is withheld from them. Sometimes they are beaten. So don’t think this hostility comes from nowhere.

  15. ZionGate, I agree. The same applies to police, fire and ambulance services, let these lunatics run their own hovels & sort out their own problems. Next time they have a fire the place should burn down while residents weep for what could have been, had they been decent people.

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