10,000 New Housing Units in Jerusalem for Charedim

A plan that was frozen during the tenure of Mayor Nir Barkat is being brushed off and implemented by his successor Moshe Leon. The plan calls for 25,000 new housing units to be built in Yerushalayim, 10,000 of which will be going to the Charedi community.

As part of the plan, new neighborhoods will be established for the Charedi community. The first will be in Ramot known as Ramot 07, which will be built north of Ramot, and include 2,000 new units.

Another neighborhood is supposed to be built near Pisgat Zeev next to Neve Yaakov. It has been named ‘Moradot Neve Ya’akov’ and is slated to also include 2,000 housing units.

Other already existing Charedi sections of the city, such as Har Nof, Ramot, and Shmuel Hanavi will expand and have thousands of new units built in their borders.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. So if I’m a Torah obsrvant Jew, I cant buy one of the 15000 apartments not specifically in a ‘Chareidi’ area? How can that be legal?

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