Health Alert Against Measles in Belzer Bais Medrash

ex13.jpgHealth officials are calling on thousands of Belzer chassidim to get vaccinated against measles after learning a number of visitors to the famous Belz Beis Medrash in Yerushalayim were infected. A physician will come to the beis medrash on Wednesday.

The message went out among the Belz residents on Tuesday, marked “urgent message,” in the hope of peaking public awareness and in turn, a large response.

Belzer Bikur Cholim officials have arranged for the physician on Wednesday, stating he will also respond to all questions. The Health Ministry physician will meet with people in the beis medrash Hatzolah room, bikur cholim officials reported, adding there will be no charge for his services.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. how many outbreaks is it going to take? How many people scarred for life or chas v’shalom killed is it going to take for people to wake up and realize the widely exaggerated risk of vaccinations is nothing compared to epidemics of contagious diseases?

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