YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 4/16/08

yw_israel25.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel 8:00AM IL)


*A Givati Brigade soldier was moderately wounded on Tuesday by sniper fire while operating in northern Gaza.

*A number of Qassam rockets were fired into southern Israel during the predawn hours on Wednesday. There are no reports of injuries at this time.

*The air force struck terrorists in Gaza during the night. PA sources report fatalities and injuries.

*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda, Shomron and the Jordan Valley arrested 23 suspects on Tuesday night. No injuries to soldiers are being reported.

*The UN Security Council is calling upon Hizbullah to disarm, as well as calling on Lebanon and Israel to work towards peace and the implementation of the agreement reached at the end of the Second Lebanon War.

*Heavy IDF counter-terror operation on Tuesday night in the Ramallah area. Sources report homes of wanted suspects surrounded by Israeli forces.

*Israel expected to resume fuel delivery to Gaza today as per statements made earlier in the week by Defense Minister Ehud Barak.


*Three soldiers were bitten by snakes during the night. One occurred at the Avnei Chafetz Checkpoint. The soldier was transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah in good/stable condition. Another soldier was bitten in the north, transported to Poriah Hospital in Tiveria in moderate condition. The third was bitten on a shooting range, transported in light/stable condition to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

*MDA’s northern region chopper was grounded on Tuesday after some equipment possible damaged a rotor during an evacuation. The decision was made to ground the craft pending an inspection. The injured at the scene of the vehicular accident where the incident occurred was transported by ambulance.

During his visit to Ramallah, Jimmy Carter visited the grave of Yasser Arafat, praising him as the man “who fought for his people and to advance the Palestinian cause.”

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