Emergency Asifa Called to Discuss Tznius as Beis Yaakov Graduates Head to Secular Workplaces in Eretz Yisrael

Hagaon Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch

An urgent asifa is being called for this motzei Shabbos to discuss the seminaries in Bnei Brak after Gedolei Yisrael expressed concern the girls are likely to find employment in venues that present a serious threat to them spiritually.

The news of the asifa was released on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 by BeChadrei Chareidim, stating it will be held in Masuot Hall in Bnei Brak with the participation of members of the Degel Hatorah Moetzas Gedolei Torah, including HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch (Rosh Yeshivas Slobodka), HaGaon HaRav David Cohen (Rosh Yeshivas Chevron), the Mora D’asra of Modi’in Illit, HaGaon HaRav Meir Kessler and Dayan HaGaon Rav Yehuda Silman.

According to the report, behind the asifa are the fears of the Gedolim, as it appears, recently, there have been several cases reported of late, of avreichim with severe income hardships, and the rabbonim shlita fear the wives or girls will accept employment in unsuitable places of work due to the financial pressures they are facing.

One of the parties involved in the conference says, “In our generation, we have been blessed to take upon ourselves the burden of supporting the home in order to build houses of Torah.”

In the past, the Gedolei Yisrael were sharply opposed to academic studies at seminars at huge conferences held for girls. Now the war is over jobs with Internet and tznius issues such as jobs in secular places.

It should be noted that in the past, BeChadrei Chareidim was exposed to an initiative raised by seminar directors to provide a response to the seminars. In the course of vocational studies, a breakthrough was the subject of “paramedical” subjects in the framework of the Beis Yaakov seminars.

Paramedical training will provide a response by providing additional suitable professions, including speech clinics, occupational therapy, and more. This they feel would be suitable for the Beis Yaakov girls.

To date, in the Kupot Cholim (HMOs), these positions have been filled by women from the dati leumi community who are usually university graduates with a bachelor’s degree in the field.

The initiative has not yet been implemented, and in recent days, the issue has come up as a solution is being sought to alleviate the financial stress and to assist the seminary women who are by and large responsible for the burden of bringing home the income to support the family.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Very confusing article with respect to exactly what this “Asifah” is seeking to accomplish. Do they want a greater focus on creating employment opportunities for frum girls graduating high school or college to work in professions with less Tzinius issues? Do they not want the girls to NOT have to work at all and instead find ways to give them greater subsidies and handouts to support their husband families? The article seems to imply an understanding among the gadolim as to the economic pressures facing young women seeking to support their families but fails to articulate a coherent and workable solution or source of funding

  2. Not to sound nasty, but why is nobody just considering letting the husbands go get a job like the rest of humanity does and like their husbands committed to do in their ketuba? I’m not going to say the workplace environment isn’t fraught with spiritual dangers because it often is… however if there are such tznius worries why davka are the maidelach being sent into these situations when they have such concern?

    Why can women in the charedi world not be allowed in political parties or other leadership roles because of “Kol Kevuda Bat Melech Penima”, however it’s just a given that they should be sent out to the front lines of kedusha warfare and have the worries of bringing in parnassa put on their shoulders as well as childcare, cooking, cleaning, etc that they already deal with, while they’re husbands stay back the spiritual safety of the beit midrash?

  3. oy, more qualified people with college degrees are stealing jobs that should be left for the wives of avreichim. in last week’s parsha, those rabbis heard a longer pause after the tevir on the word melachah than after the tipcha on hashabbos. such an error no doubt caused them to go off the derech. hashem yerachaim

  4. There is indeed a terrible tznius crisis in our midst. Is it possible to not notice the difference a few months makes between the end of high school/12th grade and girls post-high school or post-seminary? The high school girls are completely tznius but that cannot be said across the board of post-HS girls, even R”L those that are an eishes ish.

  5. howcome the people who preach ahavas yisroel cant have ahavas yisroel for chareidim and groisa roshei yeshivos too even if they dont agree with them

    arent chareidim, yisroel too

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